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2018-07-10 10:17


The Administration Committee for Longquanshan Urban Forest Park of Chengdu is soliciting International Consulting for the Project of Longquanshan Urban Forest Park of Chengdu with a view to bring an international vision, implement the Chengdu Going Eastward strategic decisions and arrangements, respond to the call for green city development, and build an international first-class garden city. Chengdu is seeking to blaze new trails of transformation and upgrade, and guided by the principle of World Vision, International Standards, Chinese Characteristics and High Goal and the requirements for future-proof planning, high-standard construction and high-quality development, is soliciting consulting proposals openly from planning and design organizations that are experienced in urban planning, design, architectural design and landscape design. The sponsor will prequalify six candidates for the consulting program, who are expected to be able to integrate top-notch intellect and resources worldwide, explore the preservation and exploitation of Longquanshan, study the development of a green garden city, build Longquanshan Urban Forest Park as the world's largest and first-class urban forest park and develop the city driven by ecological civilization.


1. Project Brief


Project Name: International Consulting for the Project of Longquanshan Urban Forest Park of Chengdu


Project Location: Chengdu, Sichuan Province


Project scale: Longquanshan Urban Forest Park of Chengdu covers a total area of 1275 square kilometers, of which the demonstration area measures circa 99 square kilometers and the boot area of the demonstration area (Danjingtai Scenic Area) about 27 square kilometers.


Contents of Consulting: (1) Detailed Research in Master Planning for Longquanshan Urban Forest Park of Chengdu; (2) Concept design of the demonstration area; (3) Detailed design of the boot area; and (4) Detailed design of nodes.


Period of Consulting and Design: The period of planning and design at the consulting phase spans about 90 days. The project briefing and site survey are slated for August 10, 2018. Chief Planner, Chief Architect, Chief Landscape architect and key members of its design team from the consulting firm shall be present.


Method of Consulting: International open consulting


Method of Review for Qualifications: Limited number of applicants permitted, where the number of applicants for such consulting (including Consortium Applicants) is set to be 6.


Prizes: 3 winners for excellent consulting deliveries


2. Sponsor, Undertaker and Organizer of Consulting


Sponsor: The Administration Committee for Longquanshan Urban Forest Park of Chengdu


Undertaker: Chengdu Longquanshan Urban Forest Park Investment and Operation Co., Ltd


Organizer of Consulting: Beijing Science Park Auction & Tender Co., Ltd.


3. Contact for Consulting


Undertaker: Chengdu Longquanshan Urban Forest Park Investment and Operation Co., Ltd

地    址:成都市锦江区三色路38号博瑞创意成都B座1503

Address: Room 1503, Block B, Boray Creative Chengdu Tower, No. 38 Sanse Road, Jingjiang District, Chengdu

邮    编:610023

Post Code: 610023


Organizer of Consulting: Beijing Science Park Auction & Tender Co., Ltd.

地    址:北京市海淀区万泉庄万柳光大西园6号楼

Address: Building No.6, Guangdaxiyuan, Wanliu, Wanquanzhuang, Haidian District, Beijing


Post Code: 100089

联 系 人:杨志远、邢亚利

Contacts: Mr. Yang Zhiyuan, Ms. Xing Yali


TEL: 86-10-82575131-264/238

传    真:86-10-82575840

FAX: 86-10-82575840


4. Eligibility and Qualifications of Applicants


4.1 The Applicant for consulting (the Applicant) shall be a legal entity that has been legally incorporated in accordance with laws or a project consortium composed of legal entities that have been legally incorporated in accordance with laws;

4.2 申请人须同时具有城乡规划编制、建筑设计和风景园林设计的相应资格:

4.2 The Applicant shall hold corresponding qualifications for engaging in urban and rural planning, architectural design and landscape design at the same time;


4.2.1 The Applicant within the People's Republic of China shall be at least certified with one of the following: Grade A urban and rural planning, qualification for urban planning and design services for foreign-invested entities, or Grade A architectural design (architectural engineering) or above, or specialized Grade A design for landscape;


4.2.2 The Applicant outside the People's Republic of China shall at least hold one of the corresponding qualifications or licenses to practice issued by governmental authorities or relevant industry organizations in its residence country or region for engaging in urban planning, architectural design or landscape design. The qualifications for planning and design institutions from Hong Kong, Macau and Tai Wan shall refer to the requirements of qualifications for planning and design institutions outside the People's Republic of China.


4.3 The Applicant shall have had planning and design experiences similar in functions and nature to this Project;


4.4 The Consortium is accepted in this Project.

4.4.1 联合体的各成员应共同签署一份联合体协议。

4.4.1 A consortium agreement shall be signed by all partners of the Consortium.

4.4.2 联合体的成员机构不得超过3个

4.4.2 The Consortium shall have a maximum of three partners.

4.4.3 组成项目联合体的各成员单位不得再以自己的名义单独申请资格预审,也不得同时加入本项目其它联合体申请资格预审。

4.4.3 Any partner of the Consortium shall neither individually apply for the Prequalification in its own capacity, nor concurrently apply for the Prequalification as a partner of another Consortium.

5. 报名及资格预审文件的获取

5. Obtaining of Registration and Prequalification Documents

有意向参加咨询活动的申请人需先在咨询组织机构进行报名登记(报名表在北京科技园拍卖招标有限公司网站下载,填写完成后传真或E-mail至咨询组织机构),报名时间为 2018 年7月9日14:00至7月23日17:30(中国北京时间,下同)。北京科技园拍卖招标有限公司网站(将于 <将于> 2018 年7月9日14:00开通。

The Applicant who intends to participate in the consulting program shall register with the Organizer of Consulting first (please download the Application Form from the website of Beijing Science Park Auction & Tender Co., Ltd., fill it out and fax or email it to the Organizer)。 The registration period starts from 14:00 July 9, 2018 to 17:30, July 23, 2018 (Beijing Time, similarly hereinafter)。 The website of Beijing Science Park Auction & Tender Co., Ltd. ( will be open from 14:00 on July 9, 2018.


After having completed the Application Form according to requirements therein, the Applicant shall email it to Upon the receipt of the Application Form, the Organizer of Consulting will send the passcode for downloading Prequalification Documents to the Applicant.

6. 资格预审申请文件的递交

6. Submission of Application Documents for Prequalification


The deadline for submission of application documents for prequalification is 12:00 at noon on July 30, 2018, and the Applicant shall submit such documents to the Organizer of Consulting before the deadline. The Organizer of Consulting will reject any such documents received after the specified deadline.

7. 咨询公告发布媒体

7. Media Releasing Announcement on Consulting

本咨询公告在中国招标投标公共服务平台(、中国政府采购网(、中国城市规划网(、中国建筑学会网(、中国风景园林学会网(、北京科技园拍卖招标有限公司网站( <>)同时发布。本公告的修改、补充以在上述网站发布的内容为准。

The Announcement on Consulting will be released on <> (China Tendering and Bidding Public Service Platform), (website of Chinese government procurement), (website of Urban Planning Society of China), (website of Architectural Society of China) , (Chinese Society of Landscape Architecture), and (website of Beijing Science Park Auction & Tender Co., Ltd.) at the same time. The amendment and supplement of the Announcement shall be subject to the contents released via the websites aforementioned.

8. 其它条款

8. Miscellaneous

8.1 咨询设计补偿金

8.1 Compensations for Consulting and Design Proposals


The Sponsor will make compensations for consulting in the amount of RMB 2.8Million (including taxes) for domestic Applicant (Hong Kong, Macau and Tai Wan included), in the amount of RMB 3.5 Million (including taxes) for overseas Applicant and in the amount of RMB 3.1 Million (including taxes) for Consortium Applicant formed by Chinese and foreign entities to each Applicant having submitted valid consulting proposals within specified time frame as required per the Consulting Outline. However, for any Applicant who fails to submit the proposals as per the specified deadline or such proposals fail to meet the requirements of the Consulting Outline and are rejected or the Applicant is disqualified, the Sponsor will not pay any compensations therefor.

8.2 优胜奖奖金及后续工作费用

8.2 Prize Money and Follow-up Work


8.2.1 The Sponsor will offer prize money in the amount of RMB 3 Million to Applicants for winning prizes (tax-inclusive at home and abroad)。


8.2.2 The Applicant and its winning proposal that claims a prize in the solicitation for consulting proposals will have a priority to be engaged in the follow-up work of compilation for planning and design, with specific matters subject to the follow-up work arrangement and consultation.

8.3 适用法律

8.3 Governing Laws


The consulting program per se and any documents relating thereto shall be governed only by the laws and regulations of the People's Republic of China.

8.4 语言

8.4 Languages


The languages used in the consulting program shall be both Chinese and English. In the event of any discrepancy, Chinese shall prevail.

8.5 监督

8.5 Supervision


A notary organization will be engaged to supervise and notarize the receipt of the Prequalification Application Documents for International Consulting for the Project of Longquanshan Urban Forest Park of Chengdu.

8.6 解释权

8.6 Power of Interpretation


The Sponsor reserves the power of final interpretation in view of the consulting program.







