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新城市议程(New Urban Agenda)草案

2016-10-13 11:35


举世瞩目的第三次联合国住房和可持续发展大会(简称人居三,H III)下周将在厄瓜多尔的基多举办,来自世界各地的国家元首、专业精英、企业领袖、民间人士45000人将汇聚一堂,共同探讨全球快速城镇化面临的挑战和解决方案,这个20年召开一次的全球峰会将通过一份重要的政策文件:《新城市议程(New Urban Agenda)》,这将是一份里程碑式的文件。联合国机构、各国政府、国际组织、专业团体为此进行了长期的准备,由我会推荐的中国专家石楠、毛其智、吴志强、何永、刘洪玉、胡东升参与了这份政策文件的起草和修改工作。这里发表的是由学会副理事长、同济大学副校长吴志强教授的团队翻译的议程草案的中文文本。



1. We, the Heads of State and Government, Ministers and High Representatives, have gathered at the United Nations Conference on Housing and Sustainable Urban Development (Habitat III) from 17 to 20 October 2016 in Quito, Ecuador, with the participation of sub-national and local governments, parliamentarians, civil society, indigenous peoples and local communities, the private sector, professionals and practitioners, the scientific and academic community, and other relevant stakeholders, to adopt a New Urban Agenda.

1. 我们是各个国家、政府的首脑、部长以及高级代表,在2016年的10月17-20日相聚于厄瓜多尔首都基多,参加联合国关于住房和永续城市发展的会议(人居III),通过了新城市议程。参与会议的还有各个国家、省市和地方政府、议员、公民组织、原住民和当地居民、私营部门、专业人士和从业者、科研和学术群体,以及其他利益相关方。

2.By 2050 the world urban population is expected to nearly double, making urbanization one of the 21st century’s most transformative trends. As the population, economic activities, social and cultural interactions, as well as environmental and humanitarian impacts, are increasingly concentrated in cities, this poses massive sustainability challenges in terms of housing, infrastructure, basic services, food security, health, education, decent jobs, safety, and natural resources, among others.

2. 到2050年,世界城市人口预计将接近翻番,使城镇化成为21世纪最大的变革趋势之一。由于全世界的人口、经济活动、社会和文化交流,以及环境、人道主义影响都越来越向城市集中,这对城市的住房、基础设施、基本服务、食品安全、健康、教育、体面的工作、安全和自然资源的永续发展带来了巨大的挑战。

3.Since the United Nations Conferences on Human Settlements in Vancouver in 1976 and in Istanbul in 1996, and the adoption of the Millennium Development Goals in 2000, we have seen improvements in the quality of life of millions of urban inhabitants, including slum and informal settlement dwellers. However, the persistence of multiple forms of poverty, growing inequalities, and environmental degradation, remain among the major obstacles to sustainable development worldwide, with social and economic exclusion and spatial segregation often an irrefutable reality in cities and human settlements.

3. 自1976年和1996年联合国在温哥华和伊斯坦布尔举行了联合国人类住区大会,以及2000年实施了新千年发展目标以来,我们见证了数以百万计的城市居民,包括贫民区和非正式住区居民的生活条件的改善。然而,持续存在的多种形式的贫困,与日俱增的不平等和环境退化,仍是全世界范围内永续发展的主要障碍。除此之外,社会和经济排斥以及空间隔离是城市和人类住区中无可争议的事实。

4.We are still far from adequately addressing these and other existing and emerging challenges; and there is a need to take advantage of the opportunities of urbanization as an engine of sustained and inclusive economic growth, social and cultural development, and environmental protection, and of its potential contributions to the achievement of transformative and sustainable development.

4. 我们还远未能立即、完全应对这些现存和激增的挑战;我们必须抓住城镇化发展的机遇,将其作为永续、包容经济增长,社会和文化发展,环境保护,转型发展和永续发展的引擎。

5.By readdressing the way cities and human settlements are planned, designed, financed, developed, governed, and managed, the New Urban Agenda will help to end poverty and hunger in all its forms and dimensions, reduce inequalities, promote sustained, inclusive, and sustainable economic growth, achieve gender equality and the empowerment of all women and girls, in order to fully harness their vital contribution to sustainable development, improve human health and well-being, as well as foster resilience and protect the environment.

5. 通过对城市、人类住区的规划、设计、金融、开发、治理和管理方法的再次审视,新城市议程有助于消除各种形式、各个层面的贫困和饥饿,缓解不平等,促进持续的、包容的可持续经济增长,促成性别平等,赋予女性更多权利,充分调动其积极性来为永续发展作出贡献,改善人类健康,增进人类福祉,以及培育韧性,保护环境。

6.We take full account of the milestone achievements in the course of the year 2015, in particular the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, including the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), and the Addis Ababa Action Agenda of the Third International Conference on Financing for Development, the Paris Agreement adopted under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCC), the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015-2030, the Vienna Programme of Action for Landlocked Developing Countries for the Decade 2014-2024, the Small Island Developing States Accelerated Modalities of Action (SAMOA) Pathway and the Istanbul Programme of Action for the Least Developed Countries for the Decade 2011-2020. We also take account of the Rio Declaration on Environment and Development, the World Summit on Sustainable Development, the World Summit for Social Development, the International Conference on Population and Development Programme of Action, the Beijing Platform for Action, and the United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development, and the follow up to these conferences.

6. 我们充分考虑了2015年期间里程碑式的成果,特别是2030年永续发展议程,包括永续发展目标,第三次发展筹资国际会议的亚的斯亚贝巴行动议程,在联合国气候变化框架公约下的巴黎协定,2015-2030年仙台减少灾害风险框架,内陆发展中国家 2014-2024 年十年维也纳行动纲领,小岛屿发展中国家快速行动方式(萨摩亚途径)和2011-2020十年期支援最不发达国家行动纲领。我们也将考虑里约环境与发展宣言,永续发展问题世界首脑会议,社会发展问题世界首脑会议,国际人口与发展大会行动纲领,北京行动纲要,联合国永续发展会议等以及后续会议。

7.While recognizing that it did not have an intergovernmental agreed outcome, we take note of the World Humanitarian Summit in May 2016 in Istanbul.

7. 我们注意到2016年5月在伊斯坦布尔举行的世界人道主义峰会,尽管该峰会上政府间没有达成协定成果。

8.We acknowledge the contributions of national governments, as well as the contributions of sub-national and local governments, in the definition of the New Urban Agenda and take note of the second World Assembly of Local and Regional Governments.

8. 我们感谢各国家、省市和地方政府的贡献,以新城市议程为定义,关注第二次世界地方和区域政府大会的内容。

9.This New Urban Agenda reaffirms our global commitment to sustainable urban development as a critical step for realizing sustainable development in an integrated and coordinated manner at global, regional, national, sub-national, and local levels, with the participation of all relevant actors. The implementation of the New Urban Agenda contributes to the implementation and localization of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development in an integrated manner, and to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and targets, including SDG 11 of making cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient, and sustainable.

9. 新城市议程重申了我们的全球永续城市发展承诺,这是在全球、区域、国家、省市和地方各级层面,各方携手、团结合作、共同实现永续发展的关键一步。新城市议程的实施,有助于用集成的方式确保2030年永续发展议程的实施和本土化,有助于永续发展目标的完成,包括永续发展目标的第11条,让城市和人类住区变得包容、安全、韧性、永续。

10.The New Urban Agenda acknowledges that culture and cultural diversity are sources of enrichment for humankind and provides an important contribution to the sustainable development of cities, human settlements, and citizens, empowering them to play an active and unique role in development initiatives; and further recognizes that culture should be taken into account in the promotion and implementation of new sustainable consumption and production patterns that contribute to the responsible use of resources and address the adverse impact of climate change.

10. 新城市议程承认文化和文化多元性是人类丰富性的源泉,为城市、人类住区和市民的永续发展做出重要贡献,使他们在发展中扮演主动、独特的角色;新城市议程还认识到,在促进和实施新的可持续消费和生产模式中,文化应该纳入考虑范畴。这种新模式有助于负责地使用资源,应对气候变化带来的不利影响。

Our shared vision


11.We share a vision of cities for all, referring to the equal use and enjoyment of cities and human settlements, seeking to promote inclusivity and ensure that all inhabitants, of present and future generations, without discrimination of any kind, are able to inhabit and produce just, safe, healthy, accessible, affordable, resilient, and sustainable cities and human settlements, to foster prosperity and quality of life for all. We note the efforts of some national and local governments to enshrine this vision, referred to as right to the city, in their legislations, political declarations and charters.

11. 我们共享这样的城市愿景:是平等的使用和享受城市和人类住区,寻求促进包容性,确保所有现在和未来的居民,没有任何形式的歧视,可以在正义、安全、健康、方便、能支付的、韧性和永续的城市和人类住区定居、生产,并提高所有人的生活质量,促进繁荣。我们注意到一些国家和地方政府信奉这一愿景的努力,他们称之为城市的权利,被写入立法、政治声明和章程中。

12.We aim to achieve cities and human settlements where all persons are able to enjoy equal rights and opportunities, as well as their fundamental freedoms, guided by the purposes and principles of the Charter of the United Nations, including full respect for international law. In this regard, the New Urban Agenda is grounded in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, international human rights treaties, the Millennium Declaration, and the 2005 World Summit Outcome. It is informed by other instruments such as the Declaration on the Right to Development.

12. 我们的目标是在《联合国宪章》的宗旨和原则的指导下,包括全面尊重国际法,实现所有人都能够享受平等的权利和机会,以及他们的基本自由的城市和人类住区。


13.We envisage cities and human settlements that:

13. 我们设想的城市和人类住区:

(a) fulfill their social function, including the social and ecological function of land, with a view to progressively achieve the full realization of the right to adequate housing, as a component of the right to an adequate standard of living, without discrimination, universal access to safe and affordable drinking water and sanitation, as well as equal access for all to public goods and quality services in areas such as food security and nutrition, health, education, infrastructure, mobility and transportation, energy, air quality, and livelihoods;

(a) 实现社会功能,包括土地的社会和生态功能,着眼于逐步实现拥有足够住房的权利,作为拥有富足生活的权利的组成部分, 没有歧视,能普遍获得安全的、能支付的饮用水和卫生设施,以及所有人能平等地获得食品安全、营养、健康、教育、基础设施、交通和运输、能源、空气质量、和生计领域的公共产品和优质的服务;

(b) are participatory, promote civic engagement, engender a sense of belonging and ownership among all their inhabitants, prioritize safe, inclusive, accessible, green, and quality public spaces, friendly for families, enhance social and intergenerational interactions, cultural expressions, and political participation, as appropriate, and foster social cohesion, inclusion, and safety in peaceful and pluralistic societies, where the needs of all inhabitants are met, recognizing the specific needs of those in vulnerable situations;

(b) 具有参与性,促进公民参与,在所有居民之间产生一种归属感和拥有感。优先考虑安全、包容、门槛低、绿色和高质量的公共空间以及友好的家庭,增加社会和不同年龄人群间的互动,增强文化表达和政治参与,如适当,培育社会凝聚力,包容度,增加和平、多元化的社会中的安全度,满足全体居民的需求,识别那些弱势群体的特定需求;

(c) achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls, ensuring women’s full and effective participation and equal rights in all fields and in leadership at all levels of decision-making, and by ensuring decent work and equal pay for equal work, or work of equal value for all women, as well as preventing and eliminating all forms of discrimination, violence, and harassment against women and girls in private and public spaces;

(c) 实现性别平等,赋予所有的女性应有权利,确保妇女全面、有效地参与各领域的事务,并获得同等地权利,在各级的决策中拥有领导力,确保女性有体面的工作,同工同酬,以及预防和消除在私人和公共空间对女性的一切形式的歧视、暴力和骚扰;

(d) meet the challenges and opportunities of present and future sustained, inclusive, and sustainable economic growth, leveraging urbanization for structural transformation, high productivity, value- added activities, and resource efficiency, harnessing local economies, taking note of the contribution of the informal economy while supporting a sustainable transition to the formal economy;

(d) 满足现在和未来持续、包容和可持续的经济增长的挑战和机遇,利用城市化实现结构转换、高生产率、高附加值活动和资源效率,治理地方经济,注意非正规经济的贡献同时支持可持续地过渡到正式的经济;

(e) fulfill their territorial functions across administrative boundaries, and act as hubs and drivers for balanced sustainable and integrated urban and territorial development at all levels;

(e) 履行跨行政边界的区域功能,作为各层面的平衡、可持续和综合的区域开发的枢纽和驱动力;

(f) promote age- and gender-responsive planning and investment for sustainable, safe, and accessible urban mobility for all and resource efficient transport systems for passengers and freight, effectively linking people, places, goods, services, and economic opportunities;

(f) 促进年龄和性别平等的规划和投资,创造为所有人服务的,可持续、安全和门槛低的城市交通。和运送乘客和货物的资源高效的运输系统,有效地连接人、地方、货物、服务和经济机会;

(g) adopt and implement disaster risk reduction and management, reduce vulnerability, build resilience and responsiveness to natural and man-made hazards, and foster mitigation and adaptation to climate change;

(g) 采用、实施降低灾害风险和管理机制,降低脆弱性,建立对自然和人为灾害的韧性和应对机制,并促进应对气候变化的缓解和适应性;

(h) protect, conserve, restore, and promote their ecosystems, water, natural habitats, and biodiversity, minimize their environmental impact, and change to sustainable consumption and production patterns.

(h) 保护、保存、恢复和加强生态系统、水、自然栖息地,增加生物多样性,减少对环境的影响,转变为可持续的消费和生产模式。

Our principles and commitments


14.To achieve our vision, we resolve to adopt a New Urban Agenda guided by the following interlinked principles:

14. 为了实现我们的愿景,我们决心采用遵循以下相通的原则的《新城市议程》:

(a) Leave no one behind, by ending poverty in all its forms and dimensions, including the eradication of extreme poverty, by ensuring equal rights and opportunities, socio-economic and cultural diversity, integration in the urban space, enhancing liveability, education, food security and nutrition, health and well-being; including by ending the epidemics of AIDS, tuberculosis, and malaria, promoting safety and eliminating discrimination and all forms of violence; ensuring public participation providing safe and equal access for all; and providing equal access for all to physical and social infrastructure and basic services as well as adequate and affordable housing.

(a) 不遗漏任何人,消除一切形式和程度的贫困,包括消除极端贫困,通过确保平等的权利和机会,社会经济和文化的多样性,整合城市空间,提高宜居性,教育、食品安全、营养、健康和幸福;包括消灭艾滋病、肺结核、疟疾的传播,提升安全,消除歧视和一切形式的暴力;确保公众参与,为所有人提供安全、平等的参与机会;并为所有人提供平等使用物质和社会基础设施和基本服务的机会,以及足够的、能支付的住房。

(b) Sustainable and inclusive urban economies, by leveraging the agglomeration benefits of well-planned urbanization, high productivity, competitiveness, and innovation; promoting full and productive employment and decent work for all, ensuring decent job creation and equal access for all to economic and productive resources and opportunities; preventing land speculation; and promoting secure land tenure and managing urban shrinking where appropriate.

(b) 可持续的和包容的城市经济,通过利用精心规划的城镇化的集聚效益、高生产力、竞争力和创新;促进为所有人设置的完整的和有意义的就业,体面的工作,确保创造体面的就业岗位;所有人都能平等获得的经济和生产资源和机会防止土地投机,改善土地稳定拥有权 保障,适当的管理城市萎缩。

(c) Environmental sustainability, by promoting clean energy, sustainable use of land and resources in urban development as well as protecting ecosystems and biodiversity, including adopting healthy lifestyles in harmony with nature; promoting sustainable consumption and production patterns; building urban resilience; reducing disaster risks; and mitigating and adapting to climate change.

(c) 环境永续,推广清洁能源,在城市发展和生态系统、生物多样性的保护过程中,可持续地利用土地和资源,包括采用健康的、与自然和谐生活方式;推广可持续消费和生产模式;构建韧性城市;减少灾害风险,减轻和应对气候变化。

15.We commit to work towards an urban paradigm shift for a New Urban Agenda that will:

15. 我们承诺我们致力于的新城市议程的城市范式转变将会:

(a) readdress the way we plan, finance, develop, govern, and manage cities and human settlements, recognizing sustainable urban and territorial development as essential to the achievement of sustainable development and prosperity for all;

(a) 改变我们对城市和人类住区的规划、融资、开发、治理和管理方式,认识到可持续的城市和区域发展是实现全人类的永续发展和繁荣的关键;

(b) recognize the leading role of national governments, as appropriate, in the definition and implementation of inclusive and effective urban policies and legislation for sustainable urban development, and the equally important contributions of sub-national and local governments, as well as civil society and other relevant stakeholders, in a transparent and accountable manner;

(b) 认识到各国政府在定义和实施包容、有效的城市永续发展的政策和立法中的主导作用,以及以透明和负责任的方式有同样重要贡献省市及地方政府,以及公民组织和其他利益相关方;

(c) adopt sustainable, people-centered, age- and gender-responsive and integrated approaches to urban and territorial development by implementing policies, strategies, capacity development, and actions at all levels, based on fundamental drivers of change including:

(c) 通过实施政策、战略、能力发展和各级的行动,采用针对城市和区域发展的可持续、以人为本、年龄和性别平等的策略以及整体推进方法。上述方法将基于基本的变化驱动因素,包括:

i.developing and implementing urban policies at the appropriate level including within local-national and multi-stakeholder partnerships, building integrated systems of cities and human settlements, promoting cooperation among all levels of government to enable them to achieve sustainable integrated urban development;

i. 在适当的层面发展和实施城市政策,包括在地方和国家层面,在多方利益相关方合作的层面,构建城市和人类住区的集成系统,促进各级政府间的合作,使他们实现可持续的城市综合发展;

ii. strengthening urban governance, with sound institutions and mechanisms that empower and include urban stakeholders, as well as appropriate checks and balances, providing predictability and coherence in the urban development plans to enable social inclusion, sustained, inclusive, and sustainable economic growth and environmental protection;

ii. 加强城市管理,依靠赋予城市利益相关方权利,包容城市利益相关者的良好的机构和机制,以及适当的检查和权衡,使城市发展规划可预测、连贯,达到社会包容、永续,包容性和可持续的经济增长和环境保护的目的;

iii. reinvigorating long-term and integrated urban and territorial planning and design in order to optimize the spatial dimension of the urban form and to deliver the positive outcomes of urbanization;

iii. 重振长期和综合的城市和区域规划、设计,以优化城市形态的空间维度,传达城镇化的积极成果;

iv. supporting effective, innovative, and sustainable financing frameworks and instruments, enabling strengthened municipal finance and local fiscal systems in order to create, sustain, and share the value generated by sustainable urban development in an inclusive manner.

iv. 支持有效、创新和可持续的融资框架和工具,完善市政财政和地方财政体系,以创建、维持和共享由永续城市发展所产生的包容的价值。

Call for Action


16. While the specific circumstances of cities of all sizes, towns, and villages vary, we affirm that the New Urban Agenda is universal in scope, participatory, and people-centered, protects the planet, and has a long-term vision, setting out priorities and actions at the global, regional, national, sub-national, and local levels that governments and other relevant stakeholders in every country can adopt based on their needs.


17. We will work to implement this New Urban Agenda within our own countries and at the regional and global levels, taking into account different national realities, capacities, and levels of development, and respecting national legislations and practices, as well as policies and priorities.


18. We reaffirm all of the principles of the Rio Declaration on Environment and Development, including, inter alia, the principle of common but differentiated responsibilities, as set out in Principle 7 thereof.


19. We acknowledge that in implementing the New Urban Agenda, particular attention should be given to addressing the unique and emerging urban development challenges facing all countries, in particular developing countries, including African countries, least developed countries, landlocked developing countries, and small-island developing States, as well as the specific challenges facing the middle income countries. Special attention should also be given to countries in situations of conflicts, as well as countries and territories under foreign occupation, post-conflict countries, and countries affected by natural and manmade disasters.

19. 我们认为,在实施新城市议程时,要重点应对各国所面临的独特的、新兴的城镇发展挑战,尤其是发展中国家,包括非洲国家、最不发达国家、内陆发展中国家、小岛屿型发展中国家,以及中等收入国家过面临的特殊挑战。同时也应重点关注冲突地区国家、被占领国家和领土、战后重建国家、以及遭受自然和人为灾害的国家。

20. We recognize the need to give particular attention to addressing multiple forms of discrimination faced by, inter alia, women and girls, children and youth, persons with disabilities, people living with HIV/AIDS, older persons, indigenous peoples and local communities, slum and informal settlement dwellers, homeless people, workers, smallholder farmers and fishers, refugees, returnees and internally displaced persons, and migrants, regardless of migration status.

20.我们意识到,有必要重点应对不同形式的歧视,其受害者包括但不限于: 妇女与女童、青少年、残障人士、艾滋病毒携带者、老年人、土著及地方社群、贫民区居住者、无家可归者、工人、个体农民与渔民、难民、重返家园者、流离失所人员和各种形式的移民。

21. We urge all national, sub-national, and local governments, as well as all relevant stakeholders, in line with national policies and legislation, to revitalize, strengthen, and create partnerships, enhancing coordination and cooperation to effectively implement the New Urban Agenda and realize our shared vision.

21. 我们督促所有国家、省市和地方政府,以及所有利益相关方,在遵守本国政策和法律的前提下,重振、加强和建立伙伴关系,加强合作,来有效地实施新城市议程、实现我们的共同愿景。

22. We adopt this New Urban Agenda as a collective vision and a political commitment to promote and realize sustainable urban development, and as a historic opportunity to leverage the key role of cities and human settlements as drivers of sustainable development in an increasingly urbanized world.




23. We resolve to implement the New Urban Agenda as a key instrument for national, sub-national, and local governments and all relevant stakeholders to achieve sustainable urban development.

23. 我们决心让新城市议程成为国家、省市和地方政府以及所有利益者实现城镇永续发展的一剂良药。



24.To fully harness the potential of sustainable urban development, we make the following transformative commitments through an urban paradigm shift grounded in the integrated and indivisible dimensions of sustainable development: social, economic, and environmental.

24. 我们承诺通过可持续发展各个组成领域:社会、经济和环境的城市范式转变,来实现以下转型承诺,以充分发挥城市永续发展的潜力。



25.We recognize that eradicating poverty in all its forms and dimensions, including extreme poverty, is the greatest global challenge and an indispensable requirement for sustainable development. We also recognize that the growing inequality and the persistence of multiple forms and dimensions of poverty, including the rising number of slum and informal settlement dwellers, is affecting both developed and developing countries, and that the spatial organization, accessibility, and design of urban space, as well as infrastructure and basic service provision, together with development policies, can promote or hinder social cohesion, equality, and inclusion.

25. 我们认识到,消除包括极端贫困在内的一切形式的贫困,是最大的全球性挑战,也是永续发展不可或缺要求。我们也认识到不断增长的不平等和多种形式的持久性贫困,包括越来越多的贫民区和非正式定居点居民,正在影响着发达国家和发展中国家的空间组织,可达性、城市空间的设计、基础设施和基本服务的供给,以及发展政策可以促进或阻碍社会的凝聚力、平等和包容。

26.We commit to urban and rural development that is people-centered, protects the planet, and is age- and gender-responsive, and to the realization of all human rights and fundamental freedoms, facilitating living together, ending all forms of discrimination and violence, and empowering all individuals and communities, while enabling their full and meaningful participation. We further commit to promote culture and respect for diversity, and equality as key elements in the humanization of our cities and human settlements.

26. 我们致力于开发以人为本的城市和乡村,保护地球,并且年龄和性别平等,实现人权和基本自由,促进和谐共生,消除一切形式的歧视和暴力,并赋予所有个人和团体全程参与的权利。我们进一步致力于促进文化的发展,尊重多元性,以及让平等作为发展我们的城市和人类住区的关键元素。

27. We reaffirm our pledge that no one will be left behind, and commit to promote equally shared opportunities and benefits that urbanization can offer, and enable all inhabitants, whether living in formal or informal settlements, to lead decent, dignified, and rewarding lives and to achieve their full human potential.

27. 我们重申我们的承诺,我们不会遗忘任何人,我们致力于促进平等地共享城市化所带来的机会和福利,并使不管是生活在正式或非正式的定居点的所有居民,过上体面的、有尊严的,令人满意的生活,实现人生价值。

28.We commit to ensure the full respect for human rights and humane treatment of refugees, internally displaced persons, and migrants, regardless of migration status, and support their host cities in the spirit of international cooperation, taking into account national circumstances, and recognizing that, although the movement of large populations into towns and cities poses a variety of challenges, it can also bring significant social, economic, and cultural contributions to urban life. We further commit to strengthen synergies between international migration and development, at the global, regional, national, sub-national, and local levels by ensuring safe, orderly, and regular migration through planned and well-managed migration policies and to support local authorities in establishing frameworks that enable the positive contribution of migrants to cities and strengthened urban-rural linkages.

28. 我们致力于确保充分地尊重人权和人道地对待难民、流离失所的人和移民,不论他们是何种形式的移民,并以国际合作精神支持接纳他们的城市,并考虑地方国情。我们认识到,尽管大量涌入城镇的人口带来了各种各样的挑战,但同时也对城市生活有着显著的社会、经济和文化的贡献。我们致力于在全球、区域、国家、省市和地方层面进一步加强国际移民和发展之间的协同效应,通过完善的规划,精准管理的移民政策,确保人们安全、有序,定期的迁移。同时支持地方政府建立体系,使移民对城市产生正面贡献,并加强城乡联系。

29.We commit to strengthen the coordination role of national, sub-national, and local governments, as appropriate, and their collaboration with other public entities and non-governmental organizations, in the provision of social and basic services for all, including generating investments in communities that are most vulnerable to disasters affected by recurrent and protracted humanitarian crises. We further commit to promote adequate services, accommodation, and opportunities for decent and productive work for crisis-affected persons in urban settings, working with the local communities and local governments to identify opportunities for engaging and developing local, durable, and dignified solutions, while ensuring that aid flows also to affected persons and host communities to prevent regression of their development.

29. 我们致力于加强国家和各级地方国家、省市和地方政府的协调作用,如合适,加强其与其它公共机构和非政府组织的合作。为所有人提供社会和基本服务,包括为最易受反复、旷日持久的人道主义危机灾害影响的群体筹集投资。我们致力于进一步提升服务、住房,以及使在城市环境中受危机影响的人获得体面、多产的工作机会。加强与地方社区和地方政府的合作,制定一套接地气的、持久的和有尊严的解决方案。同时确保援助资金准确地发放到受影响的个人和群体,防止他们的发展衰退。

30. We acknowledge the need for governments and civil society to further support resilient urban services during armed conflicts. We also acknowledge the need to reaffirm full respect for international humanitarian law.

30. 我们认为,政府和公民组织有必要在武装冲突期间进一步支持韧性的城市服务。我们同时认为,有必要重申对国际人道主义法的完全尊重。

31.We commit to promote national, sub-national, and local housing policies that support the progressive realization of the right to adequate housing for all as a component of the right to an adequate standard of living, that address all forms of discrimination and violence, prevent arbitrary forced evictions, and that focus on the needs of the homeless, persons in vulnerable situations, low income groups, and persons with disabilities, while enabling participation and engagement of communities and relevant stakeholders, in the planning and implementation of these policies including supporting the social production of habitat, according to national legislations and standards.

31. 我们致力于完善国家、省市和地方各级的住房政策,支持逐步实现所有人都有获得足够的住房的权力,这是拥有富足的生活的权利的一部分。解决一切形式的歧视和暴力,防止任意强行的拆迁,关注无家可归、处于逆境、低收入,以及残障人士的诉求。同时根据国家的法规和标准,使群体和利益相关方参与到这些政策的规划和实施中,包括住区的社会生产的过程中。

32.We commit to promote the development of integrated and age- and gender-responsive housing policies and approaches across all sectors, in particular employment, education, healthcare, and social integration sectors, and at all levels of government, which incorporate the provision of adequate, affordable, accessible, resource efficient, safe, resilient, well-connected, and well-located housing, with special attention to the proximity factor and the strengthening of the spatial relationship with the rest of the urban fabric and the surrounding functional areas.

32. 我们致力于促进所有领域的综合、年龄和性别平等的住房政策和策略的发展,特别是在就业、教育、医疗和社会融合领域;以及各级政府的住房政策发展,提供足够、能支付的、可达、资源高效、安全、有韧性、人脉广泛的和区位良好的住房,特别注意距离因素,以及加强与城市肌理和周边功能区域的空间关系。

33.We commit to stimulate the supply of a variety of adequate housing options that are safe, affordable, and accessible for members of different income groups of society, taking into consideration socio-economic and cultural integration of marginalized communities, homeless persons, and those in vulnerable situations, preventing segregation. We will take positive measures to improve the living conditions of homeless people with a view of facilitating their full participation in society and to prevent and eliminate homelessness, as well as to combat and eliminate its criminalization.

33. 我们致力于促进安全、能支付的和满足不同收入社会群体的各种住房的供应。考虑社会经济因素,边缘化社区的文化整合,无家可归的人,和那些处于逆境的人,防止社会隔离。我们将采取积极的措施改善无家可归的人的生活条件,以促进他们全面参与社会活动,预防和消除无家可归,以及打击和消除犯罪。

34.We commit to promote equitable and affordable access to sustainable basic physical and social infrastructure for all, without discrimination, including affordable serviced land, housing, modern and renewable energy, safe drinking water and sanitation, safe, nutritious and adequate food, waste disposal, sustainable mobility, healthcare and family planning, education, culture, and information and communication technologies. We further commit to ensure that these services are responsive to the rights and needs of women, children and youth, older persons and persons with disabilities, migrants, indigenous peoples and local communities as appropriate, and others that are in vulnerable situations. In this regard, we encourage the elimination of legal, institutional, socio-economic, or physical barriers.

34. 我们致力于无歧视、公平和合理地向所有人提供可持续的基本物质和社会的基础设施,包括能支付的且配备服务设施的土地、住房、现代、可再生能源、安全的饮用水和卫生设施、安全营养和足够的食物、废弃物处理、可持续交通、医疗保健和计划生育、教育、文化,信息和通信技术。我们致力于进一步确保这些服务是回应妇女、儿童和青少年、老年人和残疾人、移民、原住民和地方社区,以及其他处于弱势情况的群体的权利和需求的。关于这点,我们鼓励消除法律、制度、社会经济或物质上的壁垒。

35. We commit to promote, at the appropriate level of government, including sub-national and local government, increased security of tenure for all, recognizing the plurality of tenure types, and to develop fit- for-purpose, and age-, gender-, and environment-responsive solutions within the continuum of land and property rights, with particular attention to security of land tenure for women as key to their empowerment, including through effective administrative systems.

35. 我们致力于在适当的政府,包括省市和地方政府层面促进土地稳定拥有权 保障,我们承认土地稳定拥有权 的多元化类型,并在土地和财产权连续的情况下,开发量身定做,年龄、性别和环境平等的解决方案。包括通过有效的行政管理系统,特别关注女性的土地稳定拥有权 保障,因为土地是她们权利保障的关键。

36. We commit to promote appropriate measures in cities and human settlements that facilitate access for persons with disabilities, on an equal basis with others, to the physical environment of cities, in particular to public spaces, public transport, housing, education and health facilities, to public information and communication, including information and communications technologies and systems, and to other facilities and services open or provided to the public, both in urban and rural areas.

36. 我们致力于改进城市和人类住区的适当措施,使残疾人能够与正常人一样进入城市的物质环境,特别是能进入公共空间,公共交通,住房,教育和医疗设施,能享受公共信息和通信资源,包括接触信息、通信技术和系统,以及能进入其他向给公众开放的设施,享受向公众开放的服务,无论在城市或农村地区。

37. We commit to promote safe, inclusive, accessible, green, and quality public spaces, including streets, sidewalks, and cycling lanes, squares, waterfront areas, gardens, and parks that are multi-functional areas for social interaction and inclusion, human health and well-being, economic exchange, and cultural expression and dialogue among a wide diversity of people and cultures, and which are designed and managed to ensure human development, to build peaceful, inclusive, and participatory societies, as well as to promote living together, connectivity, and social inclusion.

37. 我们致力于改善安全、包容、可使用、绿色和高质量的公共空间,包括街道、人行道、自行车道、广场、滨水地区、花园和公园等多功能区域,以促进社会互动和包容,人类健康和福祉,经济交流,以及不同族群与文化间的交流对话。并设计和管理,以确保人类发展,构建和平、包容和参与的社会,以及促进共享生活,沟通和社会的包容。

38. We commit to sustainably leverage natural and cultural heritage in cities and human settlements, as appropriate, both tangible and intangible, through integrated urban and territorial policies and adequate investments at the national, sub-national, and local levels, to safeguard and promote cultural infrastructures and sites, museums, indigenous cultures and languages, as well as traditional knowledge and the arts, highlighting the role that these play in the rehabilitation and revitalization of urban areas, and as a way to strengthen social participation and the exercise of citizenship.

38. 我们致力于可持续地利用城市和人类住区的有形和无形的自然和文化遗产,通过将城市、地区的政策和足够的投资在国家、省市和地方层面进行整合,从而维护和促进文化基础设施和文化场所,博物馆,土著文化和语言,以及传统知识和艺术,突出他们在恢复和振兴城市中的作用,作为一种加强社会参与和行使公民权的途径。

39. We commit to promote a safe, healthy, inclusive, and secure environment in cities and human settlements for all to live, work, and participate in urban life without fear of violence and intimidation, taking into consideration that women and girls, and children and youth, and persons in vulnerable situations are often particularly affected. We will also work towards the elimination of harmful practices against women and girls, including child, early, and forced marriage, and female genital mutilation.

39. 我们致力于在城市和人类住区中创造一个可靠、健康、包容和安全的环境,供所有人生活、工作,参与到城市生活中,而不用担心暴力和恐吓,同时也将考虑妇女和女童,以及弱势群体。我们还将努力消除对妇女和女孩的有害行为,包括童婚、早婚和强迫婚姻,甚至女性生殖器切割。

40. We commit to embrace diversity in cities and human settlements, to strengthen social cohesion, intercultural dialogue and understanding, tolerance, mutual respect, gender equality, innovation, entrepreneurship, inclusion, identity and safety, and the dignity of all people, as well as to foster livability and a vibrant urban economy. We also commit to take steps to ensure that our local institutions promote pluralism and peaceful co-existence within increasingly heterogeneous and multi-cultural societies.

40. 我们致力于包容城市和人类住区的多样性,加强社会凝聚力,跨文化对话和理解,宽容、相互尊重、性别平等、创新、企业家精神、包容、认知和安全,和所有人的尊严,以及促进宜居性,培育充满活力的城市经济。我们也承诺,在日趋丰富和多元文化的社会里,采取措施来确保我们的地方机构提升多元化,和平共处。

41. We commit to promote institutional, political, legal, and financial mechanisms in cities and human settlements to broaden inclusive platforms, in line with national policies that allow meaningful participation in decision-making, planning, and follow-up processes for all, as well as an enhanced civil engagement and co-provision and co-production.

41. 我们致力于在城市和人类住区中改进制度、政治、法律和财政机制,以扩大包容平台,在符合国家政策的前提下,允许有意义的全民参与决策、规划以及后续的流程,以及增强公民参与和共享供给和生产。

42. We support sub-national and local governments, as appropriate, in fulfilling their key role in strengthening the interface among all relevant stakeholders, offering opportunities for dialogue, including through age- and gender-responsive approaches, and with particular attention to the potential contributions from all segments of society, including men and women, children and youth, older persons and persons with disabilities, indigenous peoples and local communities, refugees and internally displaced persons and migrants, regardless of migration status, and without discrimination based on race, religion, ethnicity, or socio-economic status.

42. 我们支持各省市和地方政府履行其在加强各利益相关方之间的联系的关键作用,提供对话的机会,包括通过年龄和性别平等的方法,特别注意来自社会的所有领域的潜在贡献者,包括男性和女性、儿童和青少年、老年人和残疾人、原住民和当地居民、难民和流离失所者以及移民,不论是何种迁移状态,不能有基于人种、宗教、种族、或社会经济地位的歧视。



43. We recognize that sustained, inclusive, and sustainable economic growth, with full and productive employment and decent work for all, is a key element of sustainable urban and territorial development and that cities and human settlements should be places of equal opportunities allowing people to live healthy, productive, prosperous, and fulfilling lives.

43. 我们认为,持久的、包容的、可持续的经济发展,以及充分、众多的就业机会,体面的工作,是可持续城镇和区域发展的关键要素。城市和人类住区应当为人们提供公平的机会,以及健康、高效、繁荣和充实的生活。

44. We recognize that urban form, infrastructure, and building design are among the greatest drivers of cost?and resource efficiencies, through the benefits of economy of scale and agglomeration, and fostering energy efficiency, renewable energy, resilience, productivity, environmental protection, and sustainable growth in the urban economy.

44. 我们认为,城镇形态、基础设施和建筑设计是提高成本与资源效能的最佳驱动力,借助规模经济与集聚效应,提高能源利用率、可再生能源、抵抗力、生产力、推进环境保护和城镇经济的永续发展。

45. We commit to develop vibrant, sustainable, and inclusive urban economies, building on endogenous potentials, competitive advantages, cultural heritage and local resources, as well as resource-efficient and resilient infrastructure, promoting sustainable and inclusive industrial development, and sustainable consumption and production patterns, and fostering an enabling environment for businesses and innovation, as well as livelihoods.

45. 我们承诺发展充满活力的、可持续的、包容性的城镇经济,借助内源性潜力、竞争性优势、文化遗产和本地资源,以及高效灵活、韧性的基础设施,来促进持续包容的工业发展和可持续的消费和生产模式,创造一个有利于商业、创新和创业的大环境。

46. We commit to promote the role of affordable and sustainable housing and housing finance, including social habitat production, in economic development, and the contribution of the sector in stimulating productivity in other economic sectors, recognizing that housing enhances capital formation, income, employment generation, and savings, and can contribute to driving sustainable and inclusive economic transformation at the national, sub-national, and local levels.

46. 我们承诺加强能支付的和可持续的房地产和房地产金融(其中包括福利住房的建设)在经济发展中所发挥的作用,促进房地产领域对于其他经济领域的生产力刺激作用。我们认为,房地产能促进资本集聚、收入增长、就业增长和储蓄增长,能在国家、省市和地方层面上驱动可持续和包容的经济转型。

47. We commit to take appropriate steps to strengthen national, sub-national, and local institutions to support local economic development, fostering integration, cooperation, coordination, and dialogue across levels of governments and functional areas and relevant stakeholders.

47. 我们承诺采取适当措施,推动国家、省市和地方机构支持地方经济发展,促进各级政府、不同职能部门和各利益相关方的互联、合作、协调和对话。

48. We encourage effective participation and collaboration among all relevant stakeholders, including local governments, the private sector, civil society, women and youth organizations, as well as those representing persons with disabilities, indigenous peoples, professionals, academic institutions, trade unions, employers’ organizations, migrant associations, and cultural associations, in ascertaining the opportunities for urban economic development as well as in identifying and addressing existing and emerging challenges.

48. 我们倡导各利益相关方之间的有效参与和合作,包括地方政府、私营部门、公民组织、妇女和青年组织、以及残障人士、土著居民、专业人士的代表机构、学术机构、商会、雇主组织、移民协会和文化协会,以共同寻求城镇经济发展的机遇、明确和强调现有和潜在的挑战并加以应对。

49. We commit to support territorial systems that integrate urban and rural functions into the national and subnational spatial frameworks and the systems of cities and human settlements, promoting sustainable management and use of natural resources and land, ensuring reliable supply and value chains that connect urban and rural supply and demand to foster equitable regional development across the urban-rural continuum and fill the social, economic, and territorial gaps.

49. 我们承诺支持将城乡功能融入国家和省市空间格局的区域系统、以及城市和人类住区系统,来促进自然资源和土地的可持续管理利用,并确保可靠的供应价值链来连结城乡供需,以促进公平的城乡一体区域发展,缩小二者间的社会、经济和区域差异。

50. We commit to encourage urban-rural interactions and connectivity by strengthening sustainable transport and mobility, technology and communication networks and infrastructure, underpinned by planning instruments based on an integrated urban and territorial approach in order to maximize the potential of these sectors for enhanced productivity, social, economic, and territorial cohesion, as well as safety and environmental sustainability. This should include connectivity between cities and their surroundings, periurban, and rural areas, as well as greater land-sea connections, where appropriate.

50. 我们致力于倡导城乡互动与连接,通过加强可持续交通、技术与通信网络和基础设施,以城市和区域结合的规划工具为支撑,来充分挖掘这些领域的潜力,去增强生产力、社会、经济和区域合力、以及安全与环境的永续性。这应当包括城市和它周边、市郊、远郊和乡村的连结,以及可能情况下陆地与海洋的连结。

51. We commit to promote the development of urban spatial frameworks, including urban planning and design instruments that support sustainable management and use of natural resources and land, appropriate compactness and density, polycentrism, and mixed uses, through infill or planned urban extension strategies as applicable, to trigger economies of scale and agglomeration, strengthen food system planning, enhance resource efficiency, urban resilience, and environmental sustainability.

51. 我们承诺促进城镇空间格局的发展,包括运用城市规划设计方法来保障自然资源和土地的可持续管理利用、适宜的集聚密度、多中心理念和综合利用。因地制宜通过填充式发展或城市扩张的策略,来激发规模经济效应、强化食品体系规划、提高资源使用效率、城市适应力和环境永续性。

52. We encourage spatial development strategies that take into account, as appropriate, the need to guide urban extension prioritizing urban renewal by planning for the provision of accessible and well-connected infrastructure and services, sustainable population densities, and compact design and integration of new neighborhoods in the urban fabric, preventing urban sprawl and marginalization.

52. 我们承诺空间发展战略应考虑到对扩张型城镇改造给予适当的指导,通过规划来确保开放互通的基础设施与服务、可持续的人居密度、城市新建社区的建筑紧密设计与融合,并预防城市无序扩张与边缘化。

53. We commit to promote safe, inclusive, accessible, green, and quality public spaces as drivers of social and economic development, sustainably leveraging their potential to generate increased social and economic value, including property value, and to facilitate business, public and private investments, and livelihood opportunities for all.

53. 我们承诺推进安全、包容、开放、环保和高质量的公共空间,将其作为社会与经济发展的驱动因素,持续发掘其杠杆潜力(包括地产价值)来不断创造社会与经济价值,并有助于商业、公共与私人投资和平等的工作机会。

54. We commit to the generation and use of renewable and affordable energy and sustainable and efficient transport infrastructure and services, where possible, achieving the benefits of connectivity and reducing the financial, environmental, and public health costs of inefficient mobility, congestion, air pollution, urban heat island effect, and noise. We also commit to give particular attention to the energy and transport needs of all people, particularly the poor and those living in informal settlements. We also note that reductions in renewable energy costs give cities and human settlements an effective tool to lower energy supply costs.


55. We commit to foster healthy societies by promoting access to adequate, inclusive, and quality public services, a clean environment taking into consideration air quality guidelines including those elaborated by the World Health Organization (WHO), social infrastructure and facilities, such as health-care services, including universal access to sexual and reproductive health-care services to reduce newborn child and maternal mortality.

55. 我们承诺创造健康社会,促进得到适宜、包容和高质量的公共服务,清洁的环境,尊重空气质量规范,如世界卫生组织等所提出的,建设公共基建与设施,如卫生服务,包括开放的性健康与生殖健康服务,以降低新生儿与产妇的死亡率。

56. We commit to increase economic productivity, as appropriate, by providing the labor force with access to income-earning opportunities, knowledge, skills and educational facilities that contribute to an innovative and competitive urban economy. We also commit to increase economic productivity through the promotion of full and productive employment, decent work, and livelihood opportunities in cities and human settlements.

56. 我们承诺恰地方提高经济生产力,为劳动力提供公平的收入机会、知识技能与教育机会,以塑造一个创新的、有竞争力的城市经济。要提高经济生产力,我们还需要在城市和人类住区中促进充分有效的就业、体面的工作和创业机会。

57. We commit to promote, as appropriate, full and productive employment, decent work for all, and livelihood opportunities in cities and human settlements, with special attention to the needs and potential of women, youth, persons with disabilities, indigenous peoples and local communities, refugees and internally displaced persons, and migrants, particularly the poorest and those in vulnerable situations, and to promote?non-discriminatory access to legal income-earning opportunities.

57. 我们承诺以适宜的方法在城市和人类住区中促进充分有效的就业、公平适宜的工作和创业机会,其中要特别关注以下人群的需求和潜力: 妇女、青年人、残障人士、土著和当地人群、难民与流离失所者、以及移民,尤其是最贫穷最无措的移民,以增加公平开放的合法收入途径。

58. We commit to promote an enabling, fair, and responsible business environment, based on the principles of environmental sustainability and inclusive prosperity, promoting investments, innovations, and entrepreneurship. We also commit to address the challenges faced by local business communities, through supporting micro-, small- and medium-sized enterprises and cooperatives throughout the value chain, in particular businesses and enterprises in the social and solidarity economy, operating in both the formal and informal economies.

58. 我们承诺在环境永续、共同繁荣、促进投资、创新与创业的原则下,创造一个积极、公平、负责任的商业环境。我们同时承诺应对地方商业团体所面临的挑战,全程扶持微型和中小型企业和合作体,尤其是在正式和非正式经济体中操作的社会和共享经济。

59. We commit to recognize the contribution of the working poor in the informal economy, particularly women, including the unpaid, domestic, and migrant workers to the urban economies, taking into account national circumstances. Their livelihoods, working conditions and income security, legal and social protection, access to skills, assets and other support services, and voice and representation should be enhanced. A progressive transition of workers and economic units to the formal economy will be developed by adopting a balanced approach, combining incentives and compliance measures, while promoting preservation and improvement of existing livelihoods. We will take into account the specific national circumstances, legislations, policies, practices, and priorities for the transition to the formal economy.

59. 我们承诺根据不同国情,肯定非正式经济体中的贫困劳动人口的贡献,尤其是妇女、城镇中的无薪、本地与移民劳动力。应当促进他们的创业与工作条件、稳定收入、法律与社会保障、技能培训、财产权、其他支持服务、以及提高话语权。要实现这些工人与经济单位的正规化,必须双管齐下,结合刺激与规范手段,同时维护和发展既有的商业生态。在正规化进程中,我们将顾及不同国家的国情、法律、政策、实践与战略重点。

60. We commit to sustain and support urban economies to progressively transition to higher productivity through high-value-added sectors, promoting diversification, technological upgrading, research, and innovation, including the creation of quality, decent, and productive jobs, including through promoting cultural and creative industries, sustainable tourism, performing arts, and heritage conservation activities,among others.

60. 我们承诺维持并支持城镇经济体不断追求更高生产力,方法包括诸如:高附加值产业、追求差异化、技术升级、研究与创新,包括创造高质、体面并高效的工作、通过促进文化和创意产业、可持续旅游业、演艺业和遗产保护活动等等。

61. We commit to harness the urban demographic dividend, where applicable, and to promote access for youth to education, skills development, and employment to achieve increased productivity and shared prosperity in cities and human settlements. Girls and boys, young women and young men, are key agents of change in creating a better future and when empowered, they have great potential to advocate on behalf of themselves and their communities. Ensuring more and better opportunities for their meaningful participation will be essential for the implementation of the New Urban Agenda.

61. 我们承诺把握城市人口红利,为青年提供教育、技能培训和工作的机会,以此来增强城市与人类住区的生产力和共同繁荣。女孩与男孩、青年男女都是创造更好未来的主力军,有力的支持将激发他们的潜力,去成为自身和自身群体的主人翁。提供更多更好的机会让他们实际参与,对确保新城市议程的实施至关重要。

62. We commit to address the social, economic, and spatial implications of ageing populations, where applicable, and harness the ageing factor as an opportunity for new decent jobs and sustained, inclusive, and sustainable economic growth, while improving the quality of life of the urban population.

62. 我们承诺应对老龄化可能带来的社会、经济和空间影响,以老龄化趋势作为契机,来创造新的体面的工作和持久的、包容的和可持续的经济增长,同时改善城市居民的生活质量。



63. We recognize that cities and human settlements face unprecedented threats from unsustainable consumption and production patterns, loss of biodiversity, pressure on ecosystems, pollution, and natural and man-made disasters, and climate change and its related risks, undermining the efforts to end poverty in all its forms and dimensions and to achieve sustainable development. Given cities’ demographic trends and their central role in the global economy in the mitigation and adaptation efforts related to climate change and in the use of resources and ecosystems, the way they are planned, financed, developed, built, governed, and managed has a direct impact on sustainability and resilience well beyond the urban boundaries.

63. 我们意识到城市和人类住区面临前着所未有的威胁,包括不可持续的消费和生产模式、生物多样性的消失、生态系统所面临的压力、污染、自然和人为灾害、气候变化及其引起的风险,削弱了为实现永续发展和结束贫穷在各个方面、以各种方式所付出的努力。考虑到城市人口变化趋势,以及这种人口变化趋势在人类应对气候变化的努力中和人类使用资源和生态系统中所起到的决定性作用,整个社会的规划、融资、发展、建设、管理的方式对永续和韧性发展有直接的影响,且远远超出了城市的边界。

64. We also recognize that urban centers worldwide, especially in developing countries, often have characteristics that make them and their inhabitants especially vulnerable to the adverse impacts of climate change and other natural and man-made hazards, including earthquakes, extreme weather events, flooding, subsidence, storms, including dust and sand storms, heat waves, water scarcity, droughts, water and air pollution, vector borne diseases, and sea level rise particularly affecting coastal areas, delta regions, and small island developing States, among others.

64. 我们也意识到世界范围内,尤其发展中国家的,城市中心及其居民特别容易受到气候变化和其他自然和人为灾害的不利影响,包括地震、极端天气事件、洪水、沉降、沙尘风暴、热浪、缺水、干旱、水体和空气污染、媒介传播的疾病和海平面上升,跟其他地方相比,海平面上升对沿海地区、三角洲地区和小岛屿国家影响较大,尤其是发展中国家。

65. We commit to facilitate the sustainable management of natural resources in cities and human settlements in a manner that protects and improves the urban ecosystem and environmental services, reduces greenhouse gas emissions and air pollution, and promotes disaster risk reduction and management, through supporting the development of disaster risk reduction strategies and periodical assessments of disaster risk caused by natural and man-made hazards, including standards for risk levels, while fostering sustainable economic development and all persons’ well-being and quality of life, through environmentally sound urban and territorial planning, infrastructure, and basic services.

65. 我们承诺加速城市和人类住区的自然资源的可持续管理,采用保护和改善城市生态系统和环境服务、降低温室气体排放、减少空气污染、推进降低灾害风险和管理的方式,如通过支持降低灾害风险策略、定期对自然和人为灾害所造成的灾害进行风险评估(包括对各种风险分级标准)。我们也将促进可持续经济发展、改善全人类的健康和生活水准,措施包括保全环境的城市和区域规划、基础设施和基本的服务。

66. We commit to adopt a smart city approach, which makes use of opportunities from digitalization, clean energy and technologies, as well as innovative transport technologies, thus providing options for inhabitants to make more environmentally friendly choices and boost sustainable economic growth and enabling cities to improve their service delivery.

66. 我们承诺采取智能城市的方法,充分利用数字化、清洁能源和技术以及新兴交通技术,从而为居民提供更环境友好的选择,促进可持续经济发展,提高城市提供服务的水平。

67. We commit to promote the creation and maintenance of well-connected and well-distributed networks of open, multi-purpose, safe, inclusive, accessible, green, and quality public spaces to improve the resilience of cities to disasters and climate change, reducing flood and drought risks and heat waves, improving food security and nutrition, physical and mental health, household and ambient air quality, reducing noise, and promoting attractive and livable cities and human settlements and urban landscapes, prioritizing the conservation of endemic species.


68. We commit to give particular consideration to urban deltas, coastal areas, and other environmentally sensitive areas, highlighting their importance as ecosystems’ providers of significant resources for transport, food security, economic prosperity, ecosystem services and resilience, and integrating appropriate measures to factor them into sustainable urban and territorial planning and development.

68. 我们承诺特别关注于城市三角洲、沿海城市和其他环境敏感地区,强调生态系统作为交通、食品安全、经济繁荣、生态系统服务和韧性原材料供给源的重要性,采取适当措施,将其纳入可持续城市和区域规划和发展。

69. We commit to preserve and promote the ecological and social function of land, including coastal areas which support cities and human settlements, and foster ecosystem-based solutions to ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns; so that the ecosystem’s regenerative capacity is not exceeded. We also commit to promote sustainable land use, combining urban extensions with adequate densities and compactness preventing and containing urban sprawl, as well as preventing unnecessary land use change and the loss of productive land and fragile and important ecosystems.

69. 我们承诺维护并且促进土地的生态和社会功能,包括支撑城市和人类住区的沿海地区。促进基于生态系统的解决方案来确保可持续的消费和生产模式,使之不超过生态系统的自我修复能力。我们也承诺促进可持续土地使用,确保城市扩张与适当的密度和紧凑相结合,预防过度紧凑化也限制城市扩张,并且确保不产生不必要的土地使用变化、确保有生产力的土地不流失、保护脆弱但重要的生态系统。

70. We commit to support local provision of goods and basic services, leveraging the proximity of resources, recognizing that a heavy reliance on distant sources of energy, water, food, and materials can pose sustainability challenges, including vulnerability to service supply disruptions, and that local provision can enable better access for inhabitants to resources.

70. 我们承诺支持地方上的食品和基本服务供应,充分利用最近的资源。我们意识到依靠远距离供给能源、水、食物和物质会导致永续发展方面的挑战,包括容易受到服务供给干扰的影响。地方供给能够使居民更好的获得资源。

71. We commit to strengthening the sustainable management of resources - including land, water (oceans, seas, and freshwater), energy, materials, forests, and food, with particular attention to the environmentally sound management and minimization of all waste, hazardous chemicals, including air and short-lived  climate pollutants, greenhouse gases, and noise - in a way that considers urban-rural linkages and functional supply and value chains vis-à-vis environmental impact and sustainability, and strives to transition to a circular economy, while facilitating ecosystem conservation, regeneration, restoration and resilience in the face of new and emerging challenges.

71. 我们承诺增强资源的可持续管理---包括土地、水(海洋、海水和淡水)、能源、材料、森林和食物。需要额外关注的是保全环境的管理模式,最大限度减少废弃物、危害物(包括空气和存活时间比较短的环境污染物)、温室气体和噪音,并在此过程中考虑城乡连接、功能供给和价值链等因素对环境和持续性的影响,致力于朝着循环经济的方向转化,同时在面临新的和紧急的挑战时促进保护生态系统、生态再生和生态修复。

72. We commit to long-term urban and territorial planning processes and spatial development practices that incorporate integrated water resources planning and management, considering the urban-rural continuum at the local and territorial scales, and including the participation of relevant stakeholders and communities.

72. 我们承诺长期的城市和区域规划过程以及空间规划实践将包含综合水体资源规划和管理,从地方和区域尺度考虑城乡连续带的规划,且有利益相关方和群体的参与。

73. We commit to promote conservation and sustainable use of water by rehabilitating water resources within the urban, peri-urban, and rural areas, reducing and treating waste water, minimizing water losses, promoting water reuse, and increasing water storage, retention, and recharge, taking into consideration the water cycle.

73. 我们承诺促进水资源保护和可持续的水资源利用,修复城市、城市周边和农村地区水资源,降低废水的产生并进行中水回用,降低水资源流失,促进水资源的循环利用,提高水的存储、保留和补给,并考虑到水循环系统。

74. We commit to promote environmentally sound waste management and to substantially reduce waste generation by reducing, re-using, and recycling (3Rs) of waste, minimizing landfills, and converting waste to energy when waste cannot be recycled or when it delivers the best environmental outcome. We further commit to reduce marine pollution through improved waste and waste water management in coastal areas.

74. 我们承诺促进保全环境方式的废弃物管理,通过废弃物减少、重新利用和循环三原则降低废弃物的产生,最大限度减少垃圾填埋,当废弃物无法循环时采取化废为能的方式使其对环境的影响最小化。我们进一步承诺通过改善沿海地区废弃物和废水管降低海洋污染。

75. We commit to encourage national, sub-national, and local governments, as appropriate, to develop sustainable, renewable, and affordable energy, energy-efficient buildings and construction modes, and to promote energy conservation and efficiency, which are essential to enable the reduction of greenhouse gas and black carbon emissions, ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns, and help to create new decent jobs, improve public health, and reduce the costs of energy supply.

75. 我们承诺推进国家、省市和地方政府发展可持续、可更新、能支付的能源、节能型建筑和施工规范,促进节能和提高能源利用效率,这对于降低温室气体和二氧化碳排放是至关重要的。这样才能保障可持续消费和生产模式,有助于创造体面的新工作岗位,改善公共健康和降低能源供给成本。

76. We commit to make sustainable use of natural resources and to focus on the resource-efficiency of raw and construction materials like concrete, metals, wood, minerals, and land, establish safe material recovery and recycling facilities, and promote development of sustainable and resilient buildings, prioritizing the usage of local, non-toxic and recycled materials, and lead-additive-free paints and coatings.

76. 我们承诺可持续使用自然资源,关注原材料和建筑材料(混凝土、金属、木头、矿物和土地)的资源效率,建立安全的材料回收和循环利用设施,促进可持续建筑和韧性建筑的发展,优先使用当地的、无毒的、可循环使用的材料、无铅油漆和涂料。

77. We commit to strengthen the resilience of cities and human settlements, including through the development of quality infrastructure and spatial planning by adopting and implementing integrated, age- and gender-responsive policies and plans and ecosystem-based approaches in line with the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015-2030, mainstreaming holistic and data-informed disaster risk reduction and management at all levels, reducing vulnerabilities and risk, especially in risk-prone areas of formal and informal settlements, including slums, enabling households, communities, institutions and services to prepare for, respond to, adapt to, and rapidly recover from the effects of hazards, including shocks or latent stresses. We will promote the development of infrastructure that is resilient, resource-efficient, and which will reduce the risks and the impact of disasters, including the rehabilitation and upgrading of slums and informal settlements. We will also promote measures for strengthening and retrofitting of all the risky housing stock including in slums and informal settlements to make it resilient against disasters in coordination with local authorities and stakeholders.

77. 我们承诺增强城市和人类住区的韧性,包括发展高质量的基础设施和空间规划,采取并且实施《2015-2030减灾害风险仙台行动框架》中提出的综合性、年龄和性别平等的政策、规划和基于生态系统的方法,在所有层面主流化整体的、基于数据的灾害风险降低和管理,降低漏洞和风险,尤其是危险易发的正式和非正式居区,如贫民区。使家庭、社区、机构和服务组织能够对灾害带来的影响做准备、及时应对、适应并且能够迅速的恢复,也包括灾害带来的冲击和潜在压力。我们会促进推动韧性的、资源有效的基础设施,这样能够降低灾害带来的风险和影响,包括贫民区和非正式居区的重建和更新。我们也会推进贫民区和非正式居区所有存在风险的房屋改造和加强它们抵御风险的能力,使这些地区能够具备和地方政府和其他利益相关方要求一致的抗风险能力。

78. We commit to support shifting from reactive to more proactive risk-based, all-hazards and all-of-society approaches, such as raising public awareness of the risk and promoting ex-ante investments to prevent risks and build resilience, while also ensuring timely and effective local responses, to address the immediate needs of inhabitants affected by natural and man-made disasters, and conflicts. This should include the integration of the “Build Back Better” principles in the post-disaster recovery process to integrate resilience-building, environmental and spatial measures, and the lessons from past disasters and new risks into future planning.

78. 我们承诺支持从应激性的模式转到更积极的基于风险、所有灾害、全社会参与的方法,比如通过提高公众对风险的意识和促进风险事前防范的方法来预防风险和提高风险韧性,同时确保及时、有效的地方应急措施,考虑到受自然风险和人为风险影响的居民的切身需求。措施包括在灾后恢复过程中考虑到“重建得更好”原则,结合韧性建筑、环境和空间的方法,从灾害中得到经验和教训,以及在未来规划中考虑到新的风险。

79. We commit to promote international, national, sub-national, and local climate action, including climate change adaptation and mitigation, and to support cities and human settlements, their inhabitants and all local stakeholders to be important implementers. We further commit to support building resilience and reducing emissions of greenhouse gases, from all relevant sectors. Such measures should be consistent with the goals of the Paris Agreement adopted under the UNFCCC, including holding the increase in the global average temperature to well below 2 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels, and pursuing efforts to limit the temperature increase to 1.5 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels.

79. 我们承诺促进国际、国家、省市和地方各级的应对气候变化行动,包括应对气候变化和降低气候变化的影响,支持城市、人类住区、他们的居民和所有地方利益相关方作为重要的行动执行者。我们进一步承诺支持所有部门提高抗风险韧性和降低温室气体排放。这些措施应该和联合国气候变化框架公约中巴黎合约的目标一致,包括相对于前工业水准控制全球平均气温升高在2摄氏度以内,争取通过采取各种措施控制气温升高在1.5摄氏度以内。

80. We commit to support the medium- to long-term adaptation planning process, as well as city-level climate vulnerability and impact assessments to inform adaptation plans, policies, programmes, and actions that build resilience of urban inhabitants, including through the use of ecosystem-based adaptation.

80. 我们承诺支持中长期适应规划过程,以及城市级别的气候脆弱性和影响评估,以为建设城市居民韧性的适应性规划、政策、项目和行动计划提供信息支持,包括使用基于生态系统的适应性方法。



81. We recognize that the realization of the transformative commitments set out in the New Urban Agenda will require an enabling policy framework at the national, sub-national, and local levels, integrated by participatory planning and management of urban spatial development, and effective means of implementation, complemented by international cooperation as well as capacity development efforts, including the sharing of best practices, policies, and programmes among governments at all levels.

81. 我们意识到,实现《新城市议程》中的“转型承诺”需要国家、省市和地方各级建立授权政策框架,需整合城市空间发展的参与式规划和管理、有效的实施措施,还需辅以国际合作,以及能力发展措施,如各级政府间最佳案例、政策和项目共享。

82. We invite international and regional organizations and bodies including those of the United Nations system and multilateral environmental agreements, development partners, international and multilateral financial institutions, regional development banks, the private sector, and other stakeholders, to enhance coordination of their urban and rural development strategies and programmes to apply an integrated approach to sustainable urbanization, mainstreaming the implementation of the New Urban Agenda.

82. 我们邀请联合国系统内以及多国环境协议框架下的国际和地方组织机构,发展合作伙伴、国际和多边金融机构、地区发展银行、私营部门和其他利益相关方共同强化它们的城乡发展战略和项目,在可持续城镇化中应用整合的方法使《新城市议程》的实施成为主流趋势。

83. In this regard we emphasize the need to improve the United Nations system-wide coordination and coherence in the area of sustainable urban development, within the framework of a system-wide strategic planning implementation and reporting as stressed by paragraph 88 of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

83. 如《2030永续发展议程》第88条所提出的,我们亦强调,有必要在永续城市发展的领域内,在全系统政策规划、实施和上报框架下,改进联合国全系统范围的合作与协调。

84. We strongly urge states to refrain from promulgating and applying any unilateral economic, financial, or trade measures not in accordance with international law and the Charter of the United Nations that impede the full achievement of economic and social development, particularly in developing countries.

84. 我们强烈敦促各国停止颁布或启用任何单方的、有悖于国际法和《联合国宪章》的、阻碍国家,尤其是发展中国家的经济和社会充分发展的经济、金融或贸易措施。



85. We acknowledge the principles and strategies contained in the International Guidelines on Decentralization and Access to Basic Services for all, adopted by the Governing Council of UN-Habitat in 2007. 

85. 我们认可2007年联合国人居署管理委员会采纳的《分权与基础服务国际导则》中所提到的原则和战略。

86. We will anchor the effective implementation of the New Urban Agenda in inclusive, implementable, and participatory urban policies, as appropriate, to mainstream sustainable urban and territorial development as part of integrated development strategies and plans, supported, as appropriate, by national, sub-national, and local institutional and regulatory frameworks, ensuring that they are adequately linked to transparent and accountable finance mechanisms.

86. 我们将在包容性、可实施性、参与性的城市政策中巩固《新城市议程》的有效实施成果,以适当的方式推广城市和区域的永续发展成为主流,这也是整合性的发展战略和规划的一部分,同时将辅以来自国家、省市地方法律与规范框架的支持,以确保上述措施与透明、问责的金融机制充分挂钩。

87. We will foster stronger coordination and cooperation among national, sub-national, and local governments, including through multi-level consultation mechanisms and by clearly defining the respective competences, tools, and resources for each level of government.

87. 我们将通过多级征询机制,通过对各级政府职能范围、工具和资源的清晰定义,加强国家、省市和地方政府之间的协作。

88. We will ensure coherence between goals and measures of sectoral policies, inter alia, rural development, land use, food security and nutrition, management of natural resources, provision of public services, water and sanitation, health, environment, energy, housing and mobility policies, at different levels and scales of political administration, across administrative borders and considering the appropriate functional areas, in order to strengthen integrated approaches to urbanization and implement integrated urban and territorial planning strategies that factor them in.

88. 我们将确保各行业、领域的政策目标和措施之间的一致性,这种一致性将体现在不同层级和规模的行政层面,跨越行政界线,并考虑适当的功能性区域,尤其在乡村发展、土地使用、食品安全和营养、自然资源管理、公共服务提供、水和卫生设施、健康、环境、能源、住房和机动性政策领域。此承诺旨在强化城镇化整体推进方法,实施据其产生的整合性城市和区域规划战略。

89. We will take measures to establish legal and policy frameworks, based on the principles of equality and non-discrimination, to better enable prevailing governments to effectively implement national urban policies, as appropriate, and to empower them as policy and decision-makers, ensuring appropriate fiscal, political, and administrative decentralization based on the principle of subsidiarity.

89. 我们将采取措施,在平等和非歧视原则基础上建立法律和政策框架,使执政政府能更有效地实施国家城市政策,加强政府作为政策制定者和决策者的能力,确保基于辅助性原则的适当财政、政策和行政分权。

90. We will, in line with national legislations, support strengthening the capacity of sub-national and local governments to implement effective local and metropolitan multi-level governance, across administrative borders, and based on functional territories, ensuring the involvement of sub-national and local governments in decision-making, working to provide them with necessary authority and resources to manage critical urban, metropolitan, and territorial concerns. We will promote metropolitan governance that is inclusive and encompasses legal frameworks and reliable financing mechanisms, including sustainable debt management, as applicable. We will take measures to promote women’s full and effective participation and equal rights in all fields and in leadership at all levels of decision-making, including in local governments.

90. 我们将在符合国家法规的前提下,支持能够强化省市和地方政府有效实施地方及大都市多层级治理举措的能力,使其治理基于区域的功能性,而非限于行政界线划分;我们将确保各级地方政府参与决策,致力于为各级政府提供必要的权力和资源,以助其应对重大城市、大都市和区域问题。我们将加强大都市管理,即包容的、涵盖法律框架的可靠财政机制、可持续的借贷管理等。我们将采取措施,改善妇女在所有领域的完全、有效的参与和公平权利,乃至其在各决策层,包括地方政府中的领导地位。

91. We will support local governments in determining their own administrative and management structures, in line with national legislation and policies, as appropriate, in order to adapt to local needs. We will encourage appropriate regulatory frameworks and support to local governments in partnering with communities, civil society, and the private sector to develop and manage basic services and infrastructure ensuring that public interest is preserved and concise goals, responsibilities, and accountability mechanisms are clearly defined.

91. 在符合国家法规和政策的前提下,我们将支持地方政府决定其行政及管理结构,使各政府行为适应地方需求。我们鼓励适当的法规框架,并支持地方政府与社区、公民组织和私营部门的合作,共同发展和管理基础服务和基础设施,使之能够保障公众利益,并对具体目标、责任和问责制度做出清晰定义。

92. We will promote participatory age- and gender-responsive approaches at all stages of the urban and territorial policy and planning processes, from conceptualization to design, budgeting, implementation, evaluation, and review, rooted in new forms of direct partnership between governments at all levels and civil society, including through broad-based and well-resourced permanent mechanisms and platforms for cooperation and consultation open to all, using information and communications technologies and accessible data solutions.

92. 我们将在城市和地区政策制定的所有阶段,包括从概念到设计、预算、实施、评估和评审的规划全过程中,推广参与式、年龄和性别平等的方法。这种方法将根植于各级政府与公民组织之间的新合作形式,措施包括基础广泛、资源充足的永久机制、合作平台和向所有人开放的咨询系统,并使用信息与通讯技术以及可获得的数据方案。



93. We acknowledge the principles and strategies for urban and territorial planning contained in the International Guidelines on Urban and Territorial Planning, adopted by the Governing Council of UN-Habitat at its 25th session in April 2015.

93. 我们认可2015年4月联合国人居署管理委会第25次会议所采纳的《城市与区域规划国际导则》中的城市和地区规划的原则和战略。

94. We will implement integrated planning that aims to balance short-term needs with long-term desired outcomes of a competitive economy, high quality of life, and sustainable environment. We will also strive to build in flexibility in our plans in order to adjust to changing social and economic conditions over time. We will implement and systematically evaluate these plans, while making efforts to leverage innovations in technology and to produce a better living environment.

94. 我们将实施整合性规划,这种规划的目标为平衡近期需求和远期期望,如高竞争力经济、高品质生活和永续的环境等。我们也将致力于建设规划中的韧性,使规划适应不断变化的社会和经济环境。我们将实施这些规划并对其进行系统性评估,同时努力利用科技创新优势,创造更美好的生活环境。

95. We will support implementing integrated, polycentric, and balanced territorial development policies and plans, encouraging cooperation and mutual support among different scales of cities and human settlements, strengthening the role of small and intermediate cities and towns in enhancing food security and nutrition systems, providing access to sustainable, affordable, adequate, resilient, and safe housing, infrastructure, and services, and facilitate effective trade links, across the urban-rural continuum, ensuring that small-scale farmers and fishers are linked to local, sub-national, national, regional, and global value chains and markets. We will also support urban agriculture and farming as well as responsible, local, and sustainable consumption and production, and social interactions through enabling accessible networks of local markets and commerce as an option to contribute to sustainability and food security.

95. 我们将支持整合性、多中心、重平衡的区域开发政策和规划的实施,鼓励不同规模的城市和人类住区之间的合作与互助支持,强化中小型城市在改善食品安全与营养以及提供可持续、能支付的、足够、韧性、安全的住房、基础设施和服务中起到的作用。我们将在城乡结合区范围内加速有效的贸易联系,确保小规模农、渔民能与各省市、地方、国家、地区和全球价值链及市场连接起来。我们也将通过建设地方市场与商业网络,使之作为有助于实现可持续和食品安全的措施,支持城市农业与养殖,支持负责、可持续的地方消费和生产活动,支持社会互动。

96. We will encourage implementing sustainable urban and territorial planning, including city-region and metropolitan plans, to encourage synergies and interactions among urban areas of all sizes, and their peri-urban, and rural surroundings, including those that are cross-border, and support the development of sustainable regional infrastructure projects that stimulate sustainable economic productivity, promoting equitable growth of regions across the urban-rural continuum. In this regard we will promote urban-rural partnerships and inter-municipal cooperation mechanisms based on functional territories and urban areas as effective instruments to perform municipal and metropolitan administrative tasks, deliver public services, and promote both local and regional development.

96. 我们将支持可持续城市和区域规划的实施,包括城市-地区和大都市规划,以鼓励不同规模的城市地区间,以及与城市与周边城乡环境间,包括跨边界地区,的协同与互动。我们将支持可持续的地区基础设施发展,促进可持续经济生产力,促进城乡结合地区的公平发展。在这方面,我们将促进城乡合作关系和基于功能性区域和城市地区的市际合作机制,这也是落实市级和大都市级行政任务、履行公共服务、促进地区和区域发展的有效措施。

97. We will promote planned urban extensions, infill, prioritizing renewal, regeneration, and retrofitting of urban areas, as appropriate, including upgrading of slums and informal settlements, providing high-quality buildings and public spaces, promoting integrated and participatory approaches involving all relevant stakeholders and inhabitants, avoiding spatial and socio-economic segregation and gentrification, while preserving cultural heritage and preventing and containing urban sprawl.

97. 我们将促进有规划的城市扩展、城市填充、优先重建、再生和城市地区的改造,包括贫民区和非正式住区的更新,提供高质量的住房和公共空间,促进涉及所有利益相关方的参与式整体推进方法,避免空间隔离,社会经济隔离,以及绅士化,保留文化遗产,预防和遏制城市蔓延。

98. We will promote integrated urban and territorial planning, including planned urban extensions based on the principles of equitable, efficient, and sustainable use of land and natural resources, compactness, polycentrism, appropriate density and connectivity, multiple use of space, as well as mixed social and economic uses in the built-up areas, to prevent urban sprawl, to reduce mobility challenges and needs and service delivery costs per capita, and to harness density and economies of scale and agglomeration, as appropriate.

98. 我们将促进整合性的城市和区域规划,包括基于公平、高效和可持续的土地和自然资源利用、紧凑、多中心、适宜密度和连通性、空间多用、建成区域的混合社会经济功能等原则的城市扩展规划,以防止城市蔓延,减少通勤带来的挑战与需求,减少人均服务交付成本,控制人口密度,调控规模经济和集聚效应。

99. We will support the implementation of urban planning strategies, as appropriate, that facilitate a social mix through the provision of affordable housing options with access to quality basic services and public spaces for all, enhancing safety and security, favoring social and inter-generational interaction and the appreciation of diversity. We will take steps to include appropriate training and support for service delivery professionals and communities living in areas affected by urban violence.

99. 我们将支持可加速社会融合的城市规划战略的落实,此类战略向所有人开放高质量基础服务和公共空间的,提出能支付的住房方案,从而加速社会融合,加强安全保障,有利于社会和代际互动以及多样性的实现。我们将逐步建立适当的培训和支持项目,支持居住在城市暴力高发地区的社会服务专业人员和社会团体。

100. We will support the provision of well-designed networks of safe, inclusive for all inhabitants, accessible, green, and quality public spaces and streets, free from crime and violence, including sexual harassment and gender-based violence, considering the human-scale and measures that allow for the best possible commercial use of street-level floors, fostering local markets and commerce, both formal and informal, as well as not-for-profit community initiatives, bringing people into the public spaces, promoting walkability and cycling towards improving health and well-being.


101. We will integrate disaster risk reduction, and climate change adaptation and mitigation considerations and measures into age- and gender-responsive urban and territorial development and planning processes, including greenhouse gas emissions, resilience-based and climate-effective design of spaces, buildings, and constructions, services and infrastructure, and nature-based solutions; promote cooperation and coordination across sectors, as well as build capacity of local authorities to develop and implement disaster risk reduction and response plans, such as risk assessments on the location of current and future public facilities; and formulate adequate contingency and evacuation procedures.


102. We will strive to improve capacity for urban planning and design and providing training for urban planners at national, sub-national, and local levels.


103. We will integrate inclusive measures for urban safety, and crime and violence prevention, including terrorism and violent extremism conducive to terrorism, engaging relevant local communities and non-governmental actors, where appropriate, in developing urban strategies and initiatives, including taking into account slums and informal settlements, as well as vulnerability and cultural factors in the development of public security, and crime and violence prevention policies, including by preventing and countering the stigmatization of specific groups as posing inherently greater security threats.

103. 我们将在制定城市战略和倡议时整合包容性措施,这些措施的主要目标是城市安全、犯罪和暴力预防,包括预防恐怖主义和倾向于恐怖主义的暴力极端主义,并在适当的情况下,促成地方社区和非政府力量的参与。包容性措施将包括考虑贫民区和非正式住区,考虑公共安全发展中的弱势群体和文化因素,如由于认为某些特定群体本身固有危害社会安全的属性,预防和打击对某些特定群体的污蔑。

104. We will promote compliance with legal requirements through strong inclusive management frameworks and accountable institutions that deal with land registration and governance, applying a transparent and sustainable management and use of land, property registration, and sound financial system. We will support local governments and relevant stakeholders, through a variety of mechanisms, in developing and using basic land inventory information, such as a cadaster, valuation and risk maps, as well as land and housing price records to generate the high-quality, timely, and reliable disaggregated data by income, sex, age, race, ethnicity, migration status, disability, geographic location, and other characteristics relevant in national context, needed to assess changes in land values, while ensuring that these data will not be used for discriminatory policies on land use.


105. We will foster the progressive realization of the right to adequate housing, as a component of the right to an adequate standard of living. We will develop and implement housing policies at all levels, incorporating participatory planning, and applying the principle of subsidiarity, as appropriate, in order to ensure coherence among national, sub-national, and local development strategies, land policies, and housing supply.

105. 我们将促进充足住房权利的逐步实现,这是最低生活保障权的组成部分。我们将制定并落实各级住房政策,采用参与式规划,并遵循辅助性原则,以保证国家、省市和地方发展战略、土地政策和住房供应之间的一致性。

106. We will promote housing policies based on the principles of social inclusion, economic effectiveness, and environmental protection. We will support the effective use of public resources for affordable and sustainable housing, including land in central and consolidated areas of cities with adequate infrastructure, and encourage mixed-income development to promote social inclusion and cohesion.

106. 我们将促进基于社会包容、经济效益和环境保护原则的住房政策。我们支持对服务于能支付的和可持续的住房的公共资源的有效利用,包括在城市中心和城乡结合地区配备足够的基础设施,鼓励多种收入形式的发展以提升社会包容性和凝聚力。

107. We will encourage developing policies, tools, mechanisms, and financing models that promote access to a wide range of affordable, sustainable housing options including rental and other tenure options, as well as cooperative solutions such as co-housing, community land trust, and other forms of collective tenure, that would address the evolving needs of persons and communities, in order to improve the supply of housing, especially for low-income groups and to prevent segregation and arbitrary forced evictions and displacements, to provide dignified and adequate re-allocation. This will include support to incremental housing and self-build schemes, with special attention to slums and informal settlements upgrading programmes.

107. 我们鼓励可促进多样性、能支付的和可持续的住房方案发展的政策、工具、机制和融资形式,包括租金和其他土地稳定拥有权方案,以及合作式方案,如联合住房、社区土地信托,以及其他形式的集体土地稳定拥有权 ,这些方案可应对个人和社区的不断变化的需求,以改善住房,尤其是低收入群体住房的供应,防止出现隔离和任意的强制拆迁,预防出现居民流离失所,提供有尊严和适当的再分配。措施将包括支持增量房和自建方案,并特别关注贫民区和非正式住区的更新项目。

108. We will support the development of housing policies that foster local integrated housing approaches by addressing the strong links between education, employment, housing, and health, preventing exclusion and segregation. Furthermore, we commit to combat homelessness as well as to combat and eliminate its criminalization through dedicated policies and targeted active inclusion strategies, such as comprehensive, inclusive and sustainable housing first programmes.

108. 我们将支持旨在加强地方因素与住房措施结合的住房政策,主要通过强化教育、就业、住房和医疗健康之间的密切联系,防止出现排斥和隔离现象。此外,我们将通过专门的政策和有针对性的主动融入政策来解决无家可归的问题,比如综合的、包容的和可持续的住房第一项目;同时消除引起这一现象的歧视行为。

109. We will consider increased allocation of financial and human resources, as appropriate, for the upgrading and, to the extent possible, the prevention of slums and informal settlements in the allocation of financial and human resources with strategies that go beyond physical and environmental improvements, to ensure that slums and informal settlements are integrated into the social, economic, cultural, and political dimensions of cities. These strategies should include, as applicable, access to sustainable, adequate, safe, and affordable housing; basic and social services; and safe, inclusive, accessible, green, and quality public spaces; and they should promote security of tenure and its regularization, as well as measures for conflict prevention and mediation.

109. 为了在财政和人力资源分配方面实现贫民区和非正式居区的更新,或尽可能预防贫民区的形成,我们将考虑增加财政和人力资源分配,采取不仅限于物质和环境改善的战略,以确保贫民区和非正式住区能融入城市的社会、经济、文化和政治等方面。这些战略应包括,如适用,获取可持续、足够、安全和能支付的住房;基本社会服务;安全、包容、可达、绿色、高质量的公共空间;提升土地稳定拥有权 保障和规范,采取冲突预防和调停的措施。

110. We will support efforts to define and reinforce inclusive and transparent monitoring systems for reducing the proportion of people living in slums and informal settlements, taking into account the experiences gained from previous efforts to improve the living conditions of slum and informal settlement dwellers.

110. 我们将支持旨在减少贫民区和非正式住区居住人口比例,明确和强化包容、透明的监控系统的努力,并把先前用于改善贫民区和非正式住区居民生活条件的费用考虑在内。

111. We will promote the development of adequate and enforceable regulations in the housing sector, including, as applicable, resilient building codes, standards, development permits, land use by-laws and ordinances, and planning regulations, combating and preventing speculation, displacement, homelessness, and arbitrary forced evictions, ensuring sustainability, quality, affordability, health, safety, accessibility, energy and resource efficiency, and resilience. We will also promote differentiated analysis of housing supply and demand based on high-quality, timely, and reliable disaggregated data at the national, sub-national, and local levels, considering specific social, economic, environmental, and cultural dimensions.

111. 我们将支持在住房部门制定充分且可执行的规定,包括韧性建筑规范、标准、开发许可、土地使用章程和条例、规划法规,打击和预防投机行为、流离失所和任意强拆,确保可持续、高质量、能支付的、健康、安全、可达、能源和资源效益和韧性。我们也将促进在国家、省市和地方各级做基于高质量、及时、可靠的分类数据的住房供应和需求的差异分析,并考虑特定的社会、经济、环境和文化层面因素。

112. We will promote the implementation of sustainable urban development programmes with housing and people’s needs at the center of the strategy, prioritizing well-located and well-distributed housing schemes in order to avoid peripheral and isolated mass housing developments detached from urban systems, regardless of the social and economic segment for which they are developed and providing solutions for low income groups’ housing needs.

112. 我们将促进以住房和人们需求为战略中心的永续城市发展项目的落实,优先考虑地理位置优越、分布均衡的住房计划,以避免分离于城市系统的边缘化或孤立的大规模住房开发;我们不区分这些住房计划所源自的社会和经济板块,并为低收入人群提供住房解决方案。

113. We will take measures to improve road safety and integrate it into sustainable mobility and transport infrastructure planning and design. Accompanied by awareness-raising initiatives, we will promote the safe system approach called for in the United Nations Decade of Action for Road Safety, with special attention to the needs of all women and girls, as well as children and youth, older persons and persons with disabilities, and those in vulnerable situations. We will work to adopt, implement, and enforce policies and measures to actively protect and promote pedestrian safety and cycling mobility, with a view to broader health outcomes, particularly the prevention of injuries and non-communicable diseases, and we will work to develop and implement comprehensive legislation and policies on motorcycle safety, given the disproportionally high and increasing numbers of motorcycle deaths and injuries globally, particularly in developing countries. We will promote the safe and healthy journey to school for every child as a priority.

113. 我们将采取措施改进道路安全并将其整合到可持续机动和交通基础设施规划与设计中。通过提升认识的举措,我们将促进《联合国道路安全十年倡议》中所呼吁的安全系统方法,尤其将关注所有妇女、女童、儿童、青年、老年人、残疾人和弱势群体的需求。我们将采纳、实施并强化相关政策和措施,以积极保护和提升行人安全和骑行者的机动性,以实现更长远的健康目标,尤其是在防止受伤和非传染性疾病方面;考虑到全球,尤其是发展中国家中超高比例、且不断增加的摩托车车祸致死和受伤案例,我们也将努力制定和实施综合性的摩托车安全法规和政策。我们将优先改善每位儿童上学途中的安全和健康问题。

114. We will promote access for all to safe, age- and gender-responsive, affordable, accessible, and sustainable urban mobility and land and sea transport systems, enabling meaningful participation in social and economic activities in cities and human settlements, by integrating transport and mobility plans into overall urban and territorial plans and promoting a wide range of transport and mobility options, in particular through supporting:

114. 我们将促进所有人使用安全、年龄和性别平等、能支付的、可达、可持续的城市机动、地面和海上交通系统。通过在城市和区域的总体规划中结合交通和机动规划,提升大范围内的交通和机动方案,使所有人都能有意义地参与城市和人类住区中的社会和经济活动。因此,对下列项目的支持尤为重要:

(a) a significant increase in accessible safe, efficient, affordable, and sustainable infrastructure for public transport as well as non-motorized options such as walking and cycling, prioritizing them over private motorized transportation;

(a) 为公共交通以及非机动车方案,如步行和骑行,大量增加安全、有效、能支付的、可持续且可达的基础设施,将非机动交通优先于机动交通考虑;

(b) equitable Transit-Oriented Development (TOD) that minimizes the displacement in particular of the poor and features affordable, mixed-income housing and a mix of jobs and services;

(b) 采用公平的“交通导向开发(TOD)”,将流离失所现象最弱化,尤其对于贫困人口,并以能支付的、多种收入模式的住房和多种工作和服务为特征。

(c) better and coordinated transport-land use planning, leading to a reduction of travel and transport needs, enhancing connectivity between urban, peri-urban, and rural areas, including waterways and transport and mobility planning, particularly for small islands developing States and coastal cities;

(c) 采用更好、更协同的交通-土地使用规划,从而减少通勤和交通需求,加强城市、城郊和农村地区之间的连接,包括水路、交通和机动性规划,尤其针对发展中国家和沿海城市中的小岛;

(d) urban freight planning and logistics concepts that enable efficient access to products and services, minimizing the impact of the environment and the livability of the city and maximizing their contribution to sustained, inclusive, and sustainable economic growth.

(d) 提倡可提升产品和服务可接入性的城市货运规划和物流理念,将环境和城市宜居性的影响最小化,而将它们对长期、包容和可持续的经济增长的贡献最大化。

115. We will take measures to develop mechanisms and common frameworks at the national, sub-national, and local levels to evaluate the wider benefits of urban and metropolitan transport schemes, including impacts on the environment, the economy, social cohesion, quality of life, accessibility, road safety, public health, and action on climate change, among others.

115. 我们将采取措施制定国家、省市和地方的相关机制和普适框架,以评估城市和大都市交通计划的广义利益,包括对环境、经济、社会和谐、生活质量、可达性、道路安全、公共健康,尤其是气候变化举措的影响。

116. We will support the development of these mechanisms and frameworks, based on sustainable national urban transport and mobility policies, for sustainable, open, and transparent procurement and regulation of transport and mobility services in urban and metropolitan areas, including new technology that enables shared mobility services, as well as the development of clear, transparent, and accountable contractual relationships between local governments and transport and mobility service providers including on data management, which further guarantee public interest, protect individual privacy, and define mutual obligations.

116. 我们将支持基于可持续的国家城市交通和机动政策的机制和框架, 旨在帮助城市和大都市地区实现可持续、开放、透明的采购和交通及机动服务规范,包括可采用实现机动服务共享的新技术,以及地方政府和交通及机动服务供应商之间的明晰、透明、可问责的契约关系,如数据处理服务,其能进一步保障公共利益、保护个人隐私和明确双方义务。

117. We will support better coordination between transport and urban and territorial planning departments, in mutual understanding of planning and policy frameworks, at the national, sub-national, and local levels, including through sustainable urban and metropolitan transport and mobility plans. We will support sub-national and local governments in developing the necessary knowledge and capacity to implement and enforce such plans.

117. 我们将促进交通和城市及区域规划部门之间的更好协作,在国家、省市和地方层面对规划和政策框架形成共同理解;措施包括可持续的城市和大都市交通和机动规划。我们将支持省市和地方政府拓展实施此类规划所必需的知识和能力。

118. We will encourage national, sub-national, and local governments to develop and expand financing instruments, enabling them to improve their transport and mobility infrastructure and systems, such as mass rapid transit systems, integrated transport systems, air and rail systems, and safe, sufficient and adequate pedestrian and cycling infrastructure and technology-based innovations in transport and transit systems to reduce congestion and pollution while improving efficiency, connectivity, accessibility, health, and quality of life.

118. 我们将鼓励国家、省市和地方政府开发和拓展融资工具,使之能够改善交通和机动基础设施和系统,如大众捷运系统、综合交通运输系统、航空和铁路系统、安全、充分的人行和骑行基础设施,以及交通和运输系统中的技术创新,旨在减少交通拥堵和污染,同时提高效率、连接性、可达性、健康和生活质量。

119. We will promote adequate investments in protective, accessible, and sustainable infrastructure and service provision systems for water, sanitation, and hygiene, sewage, solid waste management, urban drainage, reduction of air pollution, and storm water management, in order to improve safety against water-related disasters, health, and ensure universal and equitable access to safe and affordable drinking water for all; as well as access to adequate and equitable sanitation and hygiene for all; and end open defecation, with special attention to the needs and safety of women and girls and those in vulnerable situations. We will seek to ensure that this infrastructure is climate-resilient and forms part of integrated urban and territorial development plans, including housing and mobility, among others, and is implemented in a participatory manner, considering innovative, resource efficient, accessible, context specific, and culturally sensitive sustainable solutions.

119. 我们将促进对保护性的、可接入和可持续的水、卫生设施、卫生保健、排水、固废管理、城市给排水、减少空气污染、雨水管理的基础设施和服务系统的投资,旨在加强保障处理与水相关的灾害和健康问题,确保所有人可公平获得安全和能支付的饮用水,所有人可公平获得足够的卫生和保健设施;杜绝随地大小便,尤其关注处于弱势条件下的女性和女童的需求与安全。我们将寻求确保这类基础设施可适应气候变化,并成为城市和地区发展规划中的整合部分,尤其包括住房和机动规划,并以特别的形式实施,尤其考虑到创新、资源节约、可达、特定背景和文化敏感的可持续方案。

120. We will work to equip public water and sanitation utilities with the capacity to implement sustainable water management systems, including sustainable maintenance of urban infrastructure services, through capacity development with the goal of progressively eliminating inequalities, and promoting both the universal and equitable access to safe and affordable drinking water for all, and adequate and equitable sanitation and hygiene for all.

120. 我们将致力于为公共用水和卫生设施装备实施可持续的水管理系统的能力,包括可持续的城市基础设施服务的维护,措施包括能力发展,其旨在逐步消除不平等,使所有人可普遍、公平地获取安全、能支付的饮用水,使所有人可公平使用足够的卫生和保健设施。

121. We will ensure universal access to affordable, reliable and modern energy services by promoting energy efficiency and sustainable renewable energy, and supporting sub-national and local efforts; to apply them in public buildings, infrastructure and facilities, as well as in taking advantage of their direct control, where applicable, of local infrastructure and codes, to foster uptake in end-use sectors, such as residential, commercial, and industrial buildings, industry, transport, waste, and sanitation. We also encourage the adoption of building performance codes and standards, renewable portfolio targets, energy efficiency labelling, retrofitting of existing buildings and public procurement policies on energy, among other modalities as appropriate, to achieve energy efficiency targets. We will also prioritize smart grid, district energy systems, and community energy plans to improve synergies between renewable energy and energy efficiency.

121. 我们将确保能支付的、可靠、现代的能源服务的可接入性,措施包括加强能源节约和使用可持续的可更新能源,支持国家、省市和地方各级的努力;将它们应用于公共建筑、基础设施和服务,如适用,利用它们对地方基础设施和规范的直接控制,以加强控制终端用能部门,如住宅、商业和工业建筑、工业、交通、废弃物处理和卫生等部门。我们也鼓励采用建筑性能规划与标准、可再生能源配额指标、能效标识、现有建筑改造、政府能源采购政策,以及其他形式的政策和规范,以实现节能目标。我们还将优先考虑智能电网、区域能源系统、社区能源规划,以改善可再生能源和节能之间的协同作用。

122. We will support decentralized decision-making on waste disposal to promote universal access to sustainable waste management systems. We will support the promotion of extended producer responsibility schemes, including waste generators and producers in the financing of urban waste management systems and reducing the hazards and social economic impacts of waste streams and increasing recycling rates through better product design.

122. 我们将支持分权后的废弃物处理决策,以促进可持续的废弃物管理系统的普及。我们将支持促进供应商责任延伸制度,包括废弃物产生者和供应商参与城市废弃物管理系统融资,参与降低废弃物流的危害和对社会经济的影响,并通过更好的产品设计提高回收率。

123. We will promote the integration of food security and nutrition needs of urban residents, particularly the urban poor, in urban and territorial planning, to end hunger and malnutrition. We will promote coordination of sustainable food security and agriculture policies across urban, peri-urban, and rural areas to facilitate the production, storage, transport, and marketing of food to consumers in adequate and affordable ways to reduce food losses and to prevent and reuse food waste. We will further promote the coordination of food policies with energy, water, health, transport, and waste - and maintain genetic diversity of seeds and reduce the use of hazardous chemicals - and other policies in urban areas to maximize efficiencies and minimize waste.

123. 我们将推进城市和区域规划整合城市居民对食品安全和营养的需求,尤其针对城市贫困人口,旨在终结饥饿和营养不良的情况。我们将促进城市、城郊和农村地区的可持续食品安全和农业政策之间的协同,以适当和能支付的方式加速食品的生产、存储、运输和销售,以减少此过程中的食品损失。我们将进一步促进食品政策与城市地区的关于能源、水、健康、交通和废弃物的政策--如保持种子的基因多样性并减少使用危险化学品--和其他政策,以最大限度地提高效率和减少浪费。

124. We will include culture as a priority component of urban plans and strategies in the adoption of planning instruments, including master plans, zoning guidelines, building codes, coastal management policies, and strategic development policies that safeguard a diverse range of tangible and intangible cultural heritage and landscapes, and will protect them from potential disruptive impacts of urban development.

124. 我们将在包括总体规划、分区导则、建筑规范、海岸管理政策、战略发展政策等规划工具的采用中考虑文化因素,并将其作为城市规划与战略的优先点,这将保护有形和无形的多元文化遗产和风貌,并能保护它们免受潜在的城市发展的破坏性影响。

125. We will support leveraging cultural heritage for sustainable urban development, and recognize its role in stimulating participation and responsibility, and promote innovative and sustainable use of architectural monuments and sites with the intention of value creation, through respectful restoration and adaptation. We will engage indigenous peoples and local communities in the promotion and dissemination of knowledge of tangible and intangible cultural heritage and protection of traditional expressions and languages, including through the use of new technologies and techniques.

125. 我们将支持以文化遗产撬动城市的可持续发展,并实现文化遗产在促进公众参与和责任承担中的作用,促进对建筑古迹和遗址的创新性和可持续性利用,以通过尊重历史的修复和改造创造新价值。我们将鼓励土著居民和地方社区参与促进和传播有形和无形的文化遗产知识,保护传统语言及表达形式,措施可包括采用新的技术和工艺。



126.We recognize that the implementation of the New Urban Agenda requires an enabling environment and a wide range of means of implementation including access to science, technology, and innovation and enhanced knowledge sharing on mutually agreed terms, capacity development, and mobilization of financial resources, taking into account the commitment of developed countries and developing countries, tapping into all available traditional and innovative sources at the global, regional, national, sub-national, and local levels as well as enhanced international cooperation and partnerships among governments at all levels, the private sector, civil society, the United Nations system, and other actors, based on the principles of equality, non-discrimination, accountability, respect for human rights, and solidarity, especially with those who are the poorest and most vulnerable. 


127.We reaffirm the commitments on means of implementation included in the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the Addis Ababa Action Agenda on Financing for Development.


128.We will encourage UN-Habitat, other United Nations programmes and agencies and other relevant stakeholders to generate evidence-based and practical guidance for the implementation of the New Urban Agenda and the urban dimension of the Sustainable Development Goals, in close collaboration with Member States, local authorities, major groups, and other relevant stakeholders, as well as through the mobilization of experts. We build on the legacy of the Habitat III Conference and the lessons learnt from its preparatory process, including the regional and thematic meetings. We note, in this context, the valuable contributions of, inter alia, the World Urban Campaign, the General Assembly of Partners for Habitat III, and the Global Land Tool Network.


129.We urge UN-Habitat to continue its work to develop its normative knowledge and provide capacity development and tools to national, sub-national, and local governments in designing, planning, and managing sustainable urban development. 


130.We recognize that sustainable urban development, guided by prevailing urban policies and strategies, as appropriate, can benefit from integrated financing frameworks that are supported by an enabling environment at all levels. We acknowledge the importance of ensuring that all financial means of implementation are firmly embedded into coherent policy frameworks and fiscal decentralization processes where available, and that adequate capacities are developed at all levels.


131.We support context-sensitive approaches in financing urbanization and in enhancing financial management capacities at all levels of government, adopting specific instruments and mechanisms necessary to achieve sustainable urban development, recognizing that each country has the primary responsibility for its own economic and social development. 


132.We will mobilize endogenous resources and revenues generated through the capture of benefits of urbanization, as well as the catalyzing effects and maximized impact of public and private investments in order to improve the financial conditions for urban development and open access to additional sources recognizing that, for all countries, public policies and the mobilization and effective use of domestic resources, underscored by the principle of national ownership, are central to our common pursuit of sustainable urban development, including implementation of the New Urban Agenda. 


133.We call on businesses to apply their creativity and innovation toward solving sustainable development challenges in urban areas, acknowledging that private business activity, investment, and innovation are major drivers of productivity, inclusive growth and job creation and that private investment, particularly foreign direct investment, along with a stable international financial system, are essential elements of development efforts.


134.We will support appropriate policies and capacities that enable sub-national and local governments to register and expand their potential revenue base, such as through multi-purpose cadasters, local taxes, fees, and service charges, in line with national policies, while ensuring that women and girls, children and youth, older persons, persons with disabilities, indigenous peoples and local communities, and poor households are not disproportionately affected. 


135.We will promote sound and transparent systems of financial transfers from national government to sub- national and local governments based on their needs, priorities, functions, mandates, and performance- based incentives, as appropriate, in order to provide them with adequate, timely, and predictable resources and enhance their own abilities to raise revenues and manage expenditures. 


136.We will support the development of vertical and horizontal models of distribution of financial resources to decrease inequalities across sub-national territories, within urban centers, and between urban and rural areas, as well as to promote integrated and balanced territorial development. In this regard, we emphasize the importance of improving transparency of data on spending and resource allocation as a tool to assess progress towards equity and spatial integration. 


137.We will promote best practices to capture and share the increase in land and property value generated as a result of urban development processes, infrastructure projects, and public investments. Measures could be put in place, as appropriate, to prevent its solely private capture as well as land and real estate speculations, such as gains-related fiscal policies. We will reinforce the link among fiscal systems, urban planning, as well as urban management tools, including land market regulations. We will work to ensure that efforts to generate land-based finance do not result in unsustainable land use and consumption.


138.We will support sub-national and local governments to implement transparent and accountable expenditure control instruments for assessing the necessity and impact of local investment and projects, based on legislative control and public participation, as appropriate, in support of open and fair tendering processes, procurement mechanisms, and reliable budget execution, as well as preventive anti-corruption measures to promote integrity, accountability, effective management, and access to public property and land, in line with national policies. 


139.We will support the creation of robust legal and regulatory frameworks for sustainable national and municipal borrowing, on the basis of sustainable debt management, supported by adequate revenues and capacities, by means of local creditworthiness as well as expanded sustainable municipal debt markets when appropriate. We will consider the establishment of appropriate financial intermediaries for urban financing, such as regional, national, sub-national, and local development funds or development banks, including pooled financing mechanisms, which can catalyze public and private, national, and international financing. We will work to promote risk mitigation mechanisms such as the Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency, while managing currency risk, to reduce the cost of capital and to stimulate the private sector and households to participate in sustainable urban development and resilience-building efforts, including access to risk transfer mechanisms.


140.We will support the development of appropriate and affordable housing finance products; and encourage the participation of a diverse range of multilateral financial institutions, regional development banks, and development finance institutions; cooperation agencies; private sector lenders and investors, cooperatives, money lenders, and microfinance banks to invest in affordable and incremental housing in all its forms. 


141.We will also consider establishing urban and territorial transport infrastructure and service funds at the national level, based on a variety of funding sources, ranging from public grants to contributions from other public entities and the private sector, ensuring coordination among actors and interventions as well as accountability. 


142.We invite international multilateral financial institutions, regional development banks, development finance institutions, and cooperation agencies to provide financial support, including through innovative financial mechanisms, to programmes and projects to implement the New Urban Agenda, particularly in developing countries. 


143.We support access to different multilateral funds, including the Green Climate Fund, the Global Environment Facility, the Adaptation Fund, the Climate Investment Funds, among others, to secure resources for climate change adaptation and mitigation plans, policies, programmes, and actions for sub- national and local governments, within the framework of agreed procedures. We will collaborate with sub- national and local financial institutions, as appropriate, to develop climate finance infrastructure solutions and to create appropriate mechanisms to identify catalytic financial instruments, consistent with any national framework in place to ensure fiscal and debt sustainability at all levels of government. 

143.我们支持不同的多边基金的参与,包括绿色气候基金(the Green Climate Fund)、全球环境基金(the Global Environment Facility)、适应基金(the Adaptation Fund),其中包括在商定的程序框架内,为区域和地方政府确保适应气候变化和减缓规划、政策、计划和举措而保护资源的气候投资基金(the Climate Investment Funds),我们将协同区域和地方金融机构,适当发展气候金融基础设施解决方案和建立适当的机制来识别催化财政工具,在任何国家现有的框架下,以确保各级政府的财政和可持续债务。

144.We will explore and develop feasible solutions for climate and disaster risks in cities and human settlements, including through collaborating with insurance and reinsurance institutions and other relevant actors, with regard to investments in urban and metropolitan infrastructure, buildings, and other urban assets, as well as for local populations to secure their shelter and economic needs. 


145.We support the use of international public finance, including Official Development Assistance (ODA), among others, to catalyze additional resource mobilization from all available sources, public and private, for sustainable urban and territorial development, including by mitigating risks for potential investors recognizing that international public finance plays an important role in complementing the efforts of countries to mobilize public resources domestically, especially in the poorest and most vulnerable countries with limited domestic resources. 


146.We will expand opportunities for North-South, South-South, and triangular regional and international cooperation, as well as sub-national, decentralized, and city-to-city cooperation, as appropriate, to contribute to sustainable urban development, developing capacities and fostering exchanges of urban solutions and mutual learning at all levels and by all relevant actors. 


147.We will promote capacity development as a multifaceted approach that addresses the ability of multiple stakeholders and institutions at all levels of governance, and combines the individual, societal, and institutional capacity to formulate, implement, enhance, manage, monitor, and evaluate public policies for sustainable urban development. 


148.We will promote the strengthening of the capacity of national, sub-national, and local governments, including local government associations, as appropriate, to work with women and girls, children and youth, older persons and persons with disabilities, indigenous peoples and local communities, and those in vulnerable situations as well as with civil society, the academia, and research institutions in shaping organizational and institutional governance processes, enabling them to effectively participate in urban and territorial development decision-making. 


149.We will support local government associations as promoters and providers of capacity development, recognizing and strengthening, as appropriate, both their involvement in national consultations on urban policies and development priorities, and their cooperation with sub-national and local governments, along with civil society, private sector, professionals, academia, and research institutions, and their existing networks, to deliver on capacity development programmes by means of peer-to-peer learning, subject- matter related partnerships, and collaborative actions such as inter-municipal cooperation, on a global, regional, national, sub-national, and local scale, including the establishment of practitioners' networks and science-policy interface practices. 


150.We underscore the need for enhanced cooperation and knowledge exchange on science, technology and innovation to the benefit of sustainable urban development, in full coherence, coordination and synergy with the processes of the Technology Facilitation Mechanism established under the Addis Ababa Action Agenda and launched under the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. 

150.我们特别强调在科学,技术与有利于城市永续发展的革新方面的合作及知识交流的必要性,全面统筹,协调和协同建立于亚的斯亚贝巴行动议程(Addis Ababa Action Agenda)并通过2030永续发展计划(the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development)推进的技术促进机制(Technology Facilitation Mechanism)。

151.We will promote capacity development programmes to help sub-national and local governments in financial planning and management, anchored in institutional coordination at all levels, including environmental sensitivity and anti-corruption measures, embracing transparent and independent oversight, accounting procurement, reporting, auditing, and monitoring processes, among others, and to review sub-national and national performance and compliance, with particular attention to age- and gender-responsive budgeting and the improvement and digitalization of accounting processes and records, in order to promote result- based approaches, and to build medium- to long-term administrative and technical capacity. 


152.We will promote capacity development programmes on the use of legal land-based revenue and financing tools as well as on real estate market functioning for policymakers and local public officials focusing on the legal and economic foundations of value capture, including quantification, capturing, and distribution of land value increments. 


153.We will promote the systematic use of multi-stakeholder partnerships in urban development processes, as appropriate, establishing clear and transparent policies, financial and administrative frameworks and procedures, as well as planning guidelines for multi-stakeholder partnerships. 


154.We recognize the significant contribution of voluntary collaborative initiatives, partnerships and coalitions that plan to initiate and enhance the implementation of the New Urban Agenda, highlighting best practices and innovative solutions including by promoting co-production networks between sub-national entities, local governments and other relevant stakeholders. 


155.We will promote capacity development initiatives to empower and strengthen skills and abilities of women and girls, children and youth, older persons and persons with disabilities, indigenous peoples and local communities, as well as persons in vulnerable situations for shaping governance processes, engaging in dialogue, and promoting and protecting human rights and anti-discrimination, to ensure their effective participation in urban and territorial development decision-making.


156.We will promote the development of national information and communications technology policies and e- government strategies as well as citizen-centric digital governance tools, tapping into technological innovations, including capacity development programmes, in order to make information and communications technologies accessible to the public, including women and girls, children and youth, persons with disabilities, older persons and persons in vulnerable situations, to enable them to develop and exercise civic responsibility, broadening participation and fostering responsible governance, as well as increasing efficiency. The use of digital platforms and tools, including geospatial information systems, will be encouraged to improve long-term integrated urban and territorial planning and design, land administration and management, and access to urban and metropolitan services. 


157.We will support science, research, and innovation, including a focus on social, technological, digital and nature-based innovation, robust science-policy interfaces in urban and territorial planning and policy formulation, as well as institutionalized mechanisms for sharing and exchanging information, knowledge and expertise, including the collection, analysis, standardization and dissemination of geographically-based, community-collected, high-quality, timely and reliable data, disaggregated by income, sex, age, race, ethnicity, migration status, disability, geographic location, and other characteristics relevant in national, sub-national, and local contexts.


158.We will strengthen the data and statistical capacities at national, sub-national, and local levels to effectively monitor progress achieved in the implementation of sustainable urban development policies and strategies and to inform decision-making and appropriate reviews. Data collection procedures for the implementation and follow up and review of the New Urban Agenda should primarily be based on official national, sub- national, and local data sources and other sources as appropriate, and be open, transparent, and consistent with the purpose of respecting privacy rights and all human rights obligations and commitments. Progress towards a global people-based definition of cities and human settlements may support this work. 


159.We will support the role and enhanced capacity of national, sub-national, and local governments in data collection, mapping, analysis, and dissemination, as well as in promoting evidence-based governance, building on a shared knowledge base using both globally comparable as well as locally generated data, including through censuses, household surveys, population registers, community-based monitoring processes and other relevant sources, disaggregated by income, sex, age, race, ethnicity, migration status, disability, geographic location, and other characteristics relevant in national, sub-national, and local contexts. 


160.We will foster the creation, promotion, and enhancement of open, user-friendly, and participatory data platforms using technological and social tools available to transfer and share knowledge among national, sub-national, and local governments and relevant stakeholders, including non-state actors and people, to enhance effective urban planning and management, efficiency, and transparency through e-governance, information and communications technologies assisted approaches, and geospatial information management. 



C. 随访和回顾

161. We will carry out a periodic follow-up and review of the New Urban Agenda, ensuring coherence at the national, regional, and global levels, in order to track progress, assess impact, and ensure its effective and timely implementation, accountability to our citizens, and transparency, in an inclusive manner.

161. 我们将定期对新城市议程进行随访和回顾,确保整个新议程在国家级、区域级和全球级别一致,以包容的形式对新议程的有效及时实施、市民的问责和透明性进行追踪、影响评估和保障。

162. We encourage voluntary, country-led, open, inclusive, multi-level, participatory, and transparent follow-up and review of the New Urban Agenda. It should take into account contributions of national, sub-national, and local levels of government, and be supplemented by contributions from the United Nations system, regional and sub-regional organizations, major groups and relevant stakeholders, and should be a continuous process aimed at creating and reinforcing partnerships among all relevant stakeholders and fostering exchanges of urban solutions and mutual learning.

162. 我们鼓励对新议程开展自愿的、国家主导的、开放、包容、多层次、参与式、透明的随访和回顾。考虑国家、省市和地方政府能做的贡献,以及联合国系统、区域级和次区域组织、专业团体和利益相关方的贡献;整个过程应该是连续的,目的是创造并且增强不同利益相关方间的合作,并促进城市方案交流和分享学习。

163. We acknowledge the importance of local governments as active partners in the follow-up and review of the New Urban Agenda at all levels, and encourage them to jointly develop with national and sub-national governments, as appropriate, implementable follow-up and review mechanisms at the local level, including through relevant associations and appropriate platforms. We will consider strengthening, where appropriate, their capacity to contribute in this respect.

163. 我们承认地方政府在《新城市议程》随访和回顾各个层面作为合作伙伴的重要性,我们鼓励省市和地方政府和国家政府之间开展合作,以恰当的方式在地方层面开展随访和回顾,包括通过相关的组织和合适的平台。适当的时候,我们也会考虑增强地方政府进行参与的能力。

164. We stress that the follow-up and review of the New Urban Agenda must have effective linkages with the follow-up and review of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development to ensure coordination and coherence in their implementation.

164. 我们强调,《新城市议程》的随访和回顾必须和《2030永续发展议程》紧密连接,在执行过程中确保协调和连贯性。

165. We reaffirm the role and expertise of the United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN-Habitat), within its mandate, as a focal point for sustainable urbanization and human settlements, in collaboration with other United Nations system entities, recognizing the linkages between sustainable urbanization, and, inter alia, sustainable development, disaster risk reduction, and climate change.

165. 我们再一次确认联合国人居署(UN-Habitat)的作用和专业知识,在其职权范围内,作为永续城镇化和永续人类住区的焦点,与其他联合国机构合作,认识永续城镇化与永续发展、降低灾害风险和气候变化之间的联系。

166. We invite the General Assembly to request the Secretary-General, with voluntary inputs from countries and relevant regional and international organizations, to report on the progress of the implementation of the New Urban Agenda every four years, with the first report to be submitted during the 72nd session.

166. 我们请联合国大会要求秘书长,结合各国、相关的区域和国际组织的自愿参与,每隔4年对《新城市议程》的落实进行报告,因此第一份报告应在第72次会议上提交。

167. This report will provide a qualitative and quantitative analysis of the progress made in the implementation of the New Urban Agenda and internationally agreed goals and targets relevant to sustainable urbanization and human settlements. This analysis will be based on the activities of national, sub-national, and local governments, UN-Habitat, other relevant entities of the United Nations system, relevant stakeholders in support of the implementation of the New Urban Agenda, and the reports of the UN-Habitat Governing Council. This report should incorporate, to the extent possible, the inputs of multilateral organizations and processes where appropriate, civil society, the private sector, and academia. It should build on existing platforms and processes such as the World Urban Forum convened by UN-Habitat. It should avoid duplication and respond to local, sub-national, and national circumstances and legislation, capacities, needs, and priorities.

167. 此报告将对《新城市议程》和其他国际认可的、与可持续城镇化和人类住区相关的目标与任务的执行过程进行定性和定量的分析。此分析基于国家政府、省市和地方政府、联合国人居署、其他联合国机构以及利益相关方为支持《新城市议程》的落实所采取的行动,分析也会参考联合国人居署管理委员会的报告。此报告应尽可能地结合多边组织的数据,若可行,争取公民组织、私营部门和学术界的参与。它应基于现有的平台和过程,如由联合国人居署召开的世界城市论坛;应避免重复,并且对地方和国家的情况、立法、能力、需求和优先事项予以考虑和支持。

168. The preparation of this report will be coordinated by UN-Habitat, in close collaboration with other relevant entities of the United Nations system, ensuring an inclusive United Nations system-wide coordination process. This report will be submitted to the General Assembly through the Economic and Social Council. This report will also feed into the High-Level Political Forum on Sustainable Development under the auspices of the General Assembly, with a view towards ensuring coherence, coordination and collaborative linkages with the follow-up and review of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

168. 此报告的编制将由联合国人居署召集,并和其他联合国机构开展紧密合作,确保包容的、包含联合国全系统协调过程。此报告将会通过经济和社会委员会递交到联合国大会,也可在由联合国大会主办的其他高级政治论坛上宣读,目的是确保其与《2030可持续发展议程》之间的连贯性、协调性和合作关系。

169. We will continue strengthening mobilization efforts through partnerships, advocacy, and awareness activities on the implementation of the New Urban Agenda using existing initiatives such as World Habitat Day and World Cities Day, as well as consider establishing new initiatives to mobilize and generate support from civil society, citizens, and relevant stakeholders. We note the importance of continuing to engage in the follow-up and review of the New Urban Agenda with sub-national and local governments associations represented at the World Assembly of Local and Regional Governments.

169. 我们会继续通过合作伙伴关系、倡导和宣传活动来加强动员工作,通过类似于世界人居日和世界城市日等现有的举措和建立新的举措来动员,并从公民组织、市民和利益相关方中得到支持,进一步确保《新城市议程》的执行。我们强调参加地方政府世界大会的省市和地方政府代表在参与《新城市议程》的随访和回顾中的重要性。

170. We reaffirm General Assembly resolutions A/RES/51/177, A/RES/56/206, A/RES/67/216, A/RES/68/239 and A/RES/69/226; as well as other relevant resolutions including A/RES/31/109 and A/RES/32/162. We reiterate the importance of the Nairobi headquarters location of UN-Habitat.

170. 我们重申联合国大会决议A/RES/51/177、A/RES/56/206,、A/RES/67/216、A/RES/68/239和A/RES/69/226;以及包含A/RES/31/109和A/RES/32/162的其他相关决议。我们重申内罗华联合国人居署总部的重要性。

171. We underline the importance of UN-Habitat given its role within the United Nations system as a focal point on sustainable urbanization and human settlements including in the implementation and follow-up and review of the New Urban Agenda, in collaboration with other United Nations system entities.

171. 我们强调联合国人居署作为在、联合国系统内可持续城镇化和人类住区的焦点所起到的重要作用,包括《新城市议程》的执行、随访和回顾,以及和其他联合国机构之间的合作。

172. In light of the New Urban Agenda and with a view to enhancing the effectiveness of UN-Habitat, we request the Secretary-General to submit to the General Assembly during its 71st session an evidence-based and independent assessment of UN-Habitat. The result of the assessment will be a report containing recommendations to enhance the effectiveness, efficiency, accountability and oversight of UN-Habitat and in this regard should analyze:

The normative and operational mandate of UN-Habitat.

The governance structure of UN-Habitat for more effective, accountable, and transparent decision-making, considering alternatives including universalization of the membership of its Governing Council.

The work of UN-Habitat with national, sub-national, and local governments and with relevant stakeholders in order to tap the full potential of partnerships.

The financial capability of UN-Habitat.

172. 为宣扬《新城市议程》并增强到联合国人居署的工作效率,我们要求大会秘书长在联合国大会第71次会议上提交一份有关联合国人居署的基于实证和独立原则的评估报告。评估的结果应该包含提高联合国人居署有效性、效率、可靠性和监督建议,因此需要分析如下几个方面:





173. We decide to hold a two-day High-Level Meeting of the General Assembly, convened by the President of the General Assembly during the 71st session, to discuss the effective implementation of the New Urban Agenda and the positioning of UN-Habitat in this regard. The meeting will discuss, inter alia, best practices, success stories, and the measures contained in the report. A chair’s summary of the meeting will serve as input to the 72nd session of the Second Committee for its consideration of the action to be taken in light of the recommendations contained in the independent assessment, in its annual resolution under the relevant agenda item.

173. 我们决定举行为期2天的联合国大会高层会议,联合国大会第71次会议的大会主席召集,高层会议将讨论如何有效执行《新城市议程》,以及联合国人居署在这方面的定位。此高层会议将讨论最佳案例、成功示范以及报告中提到的措施。会议总结报告作为独立评价报告,其所包含的建议将被提交给第72次联合国大会的第二次委员会,作其在相关议程年度决策中执行方案的参考。

174. We encourage the General Assembly to consider holding the fourth United Nations Conference on Housing and Sustainable Urban Development in 2036 within a renewed political commitment to assess and consolidate progress of the New Urban Agenda.

174. 我们鼓励联合国大会考虑在2036年召开第4届联合国住房和可持续城市发展大会,评价和巩固《新城市议程》落实的成果,这也是《新城市议程》的新政治承诺的要求。

175. We request the Secretary-General in his quadrennial report pursuant to paragraph 166 above to be presented in 2026 to take stock of the progress made and challenges faced in the implementation of the New Urban Agenda since its adoption, and identify further steps to address them.

175. 我们要求秘书长在2026年做依据上述166条所形成的四年报告中评估《新城市议程》自采纳以来所取得的成果和面临的挑战,并且明确进一步解决这些挑战的步骤。







